Accounts for Apollo Server



npm i -S apollo-accounts-server

npm i -S apollo-accounts-knexjs # If you're using Postgres, MSSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite3, or Oracle
npm i -S apollo-accounts-mongoose # If you're using Mongo



Supported databases

You'll need to install a package based on the type of database you're using. This package defines a schema and implements functions for reading and writing user account data.

npm i -S apollo-accounts-knexjs # For SQL
npm i -S apollo-accounts-mongoose # For Mongo


Underneath the covers apollo-accounts-server uses Grant to handle signing in with different providers. It also adopts Grant's configuration and builds upon it with apollo-accounts-server specific options.

  • server - configuration about your server
    • redirectTo - route to redirect to on login
    • loginWith - methods with which the user can login with, defaults to ['username', 'email'],
    • signupWith - methods with which the user can sign up with, defaults to ['username', 'email'],
    • protocol - either http or https
    • host - your server's host name localhost:3000 | | ...
    • path - path prefix to use for the Grant middleware (defaults to empty string if omitted)
    • callback - common callback for all providers in your config /callback | /done ...
    • transport - transport to use to deliver the response data in your final callback querystring | session (defaults to querystring if omitted)
    • state - generate random state string on each authorization attempt true | false (OAuth2 only, defaults to false if omitted)
  • provider1 - any of Grant's supported provider facebook | twitter ...
    • extract - A function which fetches a unique identifier, username, and optionally a profile from the provider. It receives two arguments, an accessToken string and the provider object containing the provider's configuration. It must return an object with keys identifier, username, and optionally profile.
    • key - consumer_key or client_id of your app
    • secret - consumer_secret or client_secret of your app
    • scope - array of OAuth scopes to request
    • callback - specific callback to use for this provider (overrides the global one specified under the server key)
    • custom_params - custom authorization parameters (see the [Custom Parameters][custom-parameters] section)
const config = {
  server: {
    secret: 'terrible secret',
    redirectTo: '/home',
  github: {
    key: 'client key from github',
    secret: 'client secret from github',

How this package works