
Library to validate Kubernetes cluster resources against a set of rules defined using the CEL language.

Primary LanguageGo

Kubernetes CEL Validator


This is a library to validate Kubernetes cluster resources against a set of rules defined using the CEL language.

The CEL used uses both CEL community libraries and Kubernetes CEL libraries.

Please read the CEL Introduction at https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/cel/ to know about working with CEL.

Go Build and Test


This is a library that can be used in your own Go code. You can use it in your own code by importing it:

package testvalidate

import (
	celvalidator "github.com/accuknox/kubernetes-cel-validator/resource-cel-validator/pkg"
	celvalidatortypes "github.com/accuknox/kubernetes-cel-validator/resource-cel-validator/pkg/types"
	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"

func ValidateResource(config *rest.Config) (bool, []celvalidatortypes.ValidationFailure, celvalidatortypes.ValidationFailure, error) {
	kubernetesResourcePrecondition := celvalidatortypes.KubernetesResourcePrecondition{
		Name: "test-precondition",
		MatchResources: &celvalidatortypes.MatchResources{
			NamespaceSelector: &metav1.LabelSelector{
				MatchLabels: map[string]string{
					"test": "test",
			ObjectSelector: &metav1.LabelSelector{
				MatchLabels: map[string]string{
					"test": "test",
			ResourceRules: []schema.GroupVersionResource{
					Group:    "apps",
					Version:  "v1",
					Resource: "deployments",
			SelectionPreconditions: []celvalidatortypes.Validation{
					Key:               "test-label-using-cel",
					Expression:        "object.metadata.labels.foo == 'bar'",
					MessageExpression: "resource.metadata.name + ' does not have label foo=bar'",
		Validations: []celvalidatortypes.Validation{
				Key:               "test-replicas",
				Expression:        "object.spec.replicas > 1",
				MessageExpression: "resource.metadata.name + ' has more than 1 replica'",

	validationResult, selectionPreconditionValidationFailures, validationFailure, err := celvalidator.GetKubernetesResourcePreconditionResult(&kubernetesResourcePrecondition, config)
	return validationResult, selectionPreconditionValidationFailures, validationFailure, err

The method celvalidator.GetKubernetesResourcePreconditionResult(..) returns:

  1. A boolean value indicating the result of the validation.
  2. A list of celvalidatortypes.ValidationFailure objects which contain details of object that failed the **SelectionPreconditions**.
  3. A celvalidatortypes.ValidationFailure object which contains details of the object that failed the **Validations**.
  4. An error that might be encountered during validation phase, resource selection phase or during the creation of the Kubernetes client.

Field Specification

It is really common to use YAML to specify the rules and then unmarshal it into the celvalidatortypes.KubernetesResourcePrecondition object. The following is an example of the YAML specification:

name: replicas-precondition # Mandatory, name of the precondition
matchResources:             # Mandatory, resource selection criteria
  namespaceSelector:        # Optional, namespace selection criteria
    matchExpressions:       # Optional, namespace selection criteria
      - key: hoo
        operator: DoesNotExist
    matchLabels:            # Optional, namespace selection criteria
      kubernetes.io/metadata.name: validation-test-ns
  objectSelector:           # Optional, object selection criteria
    matchExpressions:       # Optional, object selection criteria
      - key: hoo
        operator: DoesNotExist
    matchLabels:            # Optional, object selection criteria
      app: nginx
  resourceRules:            # Mandatory, resource selection criteria, at least one resource rule is required
    - Group: apps
      Version: v1
      Resource: deployments
  selectionPreconditions:   # Optional, selection preconditions
    - key: "nginx-name"     # Optional, key of the precondition
      messageExpression: "'resource: ' + object.metadata.name + ' is not nginx'" # Optional, message to be displayed when the precondition fails
      expression: "object.metadata.name == 'nginx'"                              # Mandatory, CEL expression to be evaluated
validations:                                # Mandatory, validations, at least one validation is required
  - expression: "object.spec.replicas == 1" # Mandatory, CEL expression to be evaluated
    key: "single-replica"                   # Optional, key of the validation
    messageExpression: "'resource: ' + object.metadata.name + ' does not have 1 replica, it has ' + string(object.spec.replicas)" 
                                            # ⬆ Optional, message to be displayed when the validation fails


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