
Dashboard created using React and Bot created using DiscordJS library and nodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Movie Night Bot for Discord

This is a Discord Bot written in Node.JS using Discord.JS library to interface with the Discord API.

MongoDB connection is required to store and retrieve settings as well as film details. The schema is available within bot.js

The Movie DB API is used to gather any relevant data to movies throughout the application.


Create a config.json file in the root directory

  "prefix": "set to whichever prefix you wish the bot to use.",
  "token": "set to your discord bot API token",
  "movieDbAPI": "set to your API token from developers.themoviedb.org (Required to get movie data when requested by user)",
  "mongoLogin": "set to your connection string for any MongoDB collection (Check Mongoose for more information)"

I would recommend removing dblapi.js and references to topggAPI/testing from bot.js as this is simply to post statistics to a third party website.

Run index.js which will spawn a sharding manager, which runs bot.js to instantiate all commands and handle responses.


List of commands available at https://movienightbot.xyz/commands/


General development approach was followed from Discord.js documentation to ensure best practices were implemented in terms of bots. Many settings had to be adjusted to ensure my EC2 servers memory usage wouldn't climb indefinitely with default options.

index.js will simply be spawning a sharding manager, which points to bot.js as the primary file to spawn. This is a required implementation by Discord after a bot has exceeded 2,500 servers.

Command script files are separated into a Command folder, these are then loaded in by Bot.js and handles events/command execution. The default prefix is --

Bot.js will check every message for any alias/command text and if it is present it will continue with checks and execution.

On leaving/kicked from a server, we delete settings and movies from that server