OverlapSphere does not check against Internal Types
ijisthee opened this issue · 2 comments
ijisthee commented
Hey guys,
I guess I've found an error.
In Schema.Builtin.Nodes.OverlapSphere
inside Tick method there are made checks against GameObject and Transform. But these are Unity GameObject and Transform Classes.
None of the 4 if statements returns true.
But if I change the code to:
public override NodeStatus Tick(object nodeMemory, SchemaAgent agent)
Collider[] colliders =
Physics.OverlapSphere(position.value, radius.value, layerMask, queryTriggerInteraction);
if (colliders.Length == 0)
return NodeStatus.Failure;
if (hit.entryType == typeof(Schema.Internal.Types.GameObject) || hit.isDynamic)
hit.value = colliders[0].gameObject;
else if (hit.entryType == typeof(List<Schema.Internal.Types.GameObject>))
hit.value = colliders.Select(collider => collider.gameObject).ToList();
else if (hit.entryType == typeof(Schema.Internal.Types.Transform))
hit.value = colliders[0].transform;
else if (hit.entryType == typeof(List<Schema.Internal.Types.Transform>))
hit.value = colliders.Select(collider => collider.transform).ToList();
return NodeStatus.Success;
It works perfectly.
I'm using Unity 2022.3.16f1 (LTS).
Am I using it wrong or does that have to do something with the Unity Version ?
Thx in Advance
acdamiani commented
Thanks for letting me know about this! Yes, I believe this is an oversight from when I switched Blackboard type systems; it shouldn't have any relation to your Unity version. I'll post a fix soon.