
Python-based high-performance web tools - see http://chris.improbable.org/2010/01/30/quickly-testing-your-sites-using-webtoolbox/ for an intro to the site quality spider

Primary LanguagePython


This project assumes the use of pip, virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper. If you don't already have them:

easy_install pip
pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
. virtualenvwrapper_bashrc
mkdir ~/.virtualenvs

Once they're setup you'll want to create a virtualenv:

mkvirtualenv webtoolbox
add2virtualenv /path/to/webtoolbox

Now you're ready to install our prerequisites:

pip install -r requirements.pip

To use the redbot-based tools. This is complicated by the fact that redbot hasn't been turned into an importable module yet:

pip install -e git://github.com/mnot/nbhttp.git@master#egg=nbhttp
git clone http://github.com/mnot/redbot
add2virtualenv redbot/src

The Tools


A site validator which uses webclient.clients.Spider to process an entire site and checking for bad links, 404s, and optionally HTML validation. It generates either text or HTML reports and can be used to generate lists of site URLs for use with load-testing tools like http_bench or wk_bench.

Run check_site.py --help to see the available options


If you need to replace webserver log files at something approximating realtime, log_replay is your friend. It uses a non-blocking HTTP client to many URLs at once and will sleep any time it's too far ahead of the simulated virtual time.

Run log_replay.py --help to see the available options


Retrieves the provided list of URLs as quickly as possible

Run http_bench.py --help to see the available options


Mac OS X-specific tool which uses PyObjC to load pages in WebKit. Takes URLs on the command-line or in a separate file and runs through them as quickly as possible, measuring the time it takes from beginning the request until the browser fires the didFinishLoadForFrame event, which includes things like image loading, Flash, JavaScript, etc. for measuring user-perceptible page-load performance.

Run wk_bench.py --help to see the available options


Mark Nottingham released redbot - a modern replacement for the classic cacheability tester. I've been using it at work to audit website performance before releases since proper HTTP caching makes an enormous difference in perceived site performance.

redbot is a focused tool and provides a great deal of detail about at most one page and, optionally, its resources. I wanted to expand the scope to testing an entire site and performing content validation and created red_spider.py which allows you to perform all of those checks by spidering an entire site, receiving a nice HTML report and, optionally, also validating page contents as well.

Run red_spider.py --help to see the available options. Key features include the ability to skip media and save lists of URLs for use with tools like wk_bench or http_bench.