Redux bindings for React Router – keep your router state inside your Redux store
- 0
Can't call Setstate !
#294 opened by IamMasterWayne - 8
- 30
- 1
- 1
Failed prop type: The prop history is marked as required in Router, but its value is undefined
#290 opened by wohuifude123 - 0
TypeError: Cannot read property 'location' of undefined React Router useRouteMatch issue
#298 opened by nikhilroy2 - 0
npm install react-router@3.0.5
#297 opened by pragatiraj1511 - 0
npm install react-router@3.0.5
#296 opened by pragatiraj1511 - 3
- 0
React 16.8.6 Error
#295 opened by xianweics - 1
React.PropTypes is deprecated in React@15.5
#289 opened by ZxMYS - 1
cannot update during an existing state transition an existing state trasition (such as within render or another components's constructor). ender methods should be a pure function of props and state
#292 opened by RadhaSwathi - 14
- 0
- 1
{ push } don`t work in actions
#285 opened by mikilka - 1
- 1
Failed to do dynamic loading with redux-router
#284 opened by joeyzhao0113 - 9
[ON HOLD] Does not work with history v3.0.0
#259 opened by calvinnwq - 2
- 0
Change of hash will not trigger rerender
#278 opened by Mangatt - 0
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- 5
Invalid prop `RoutingContext` supplied to `ReduxRouterContext`, expected a single ReactElement.
#266 opened by catamphetamine - 1
Hash URL's not working
#268 opened by JanMesaric - 5
Breaking change in 2.1.0
#263 opened by catamphetamine - 7
Invalid prop `RoutingContext` supplied to `ReduxRouterContext`, expected a single ReactElement.
#260 opened by catamphetamine - 0
Update Babel and deprecated dependencies
#262 opened by Scarysize - 5
Add `scroll-behavior` capability
#261 opened by catamphetamine - 2
Create an issue template
#251 opened by Scarysize - 1
Server loading
#256 opened by galkinrost - 2
2.0.0-beta-1: stringifyQuery and parseQueryString
#254 opened by ianks - 2
- 2
Warning: Failed propType: Invalid prop `icon` of type `object` supplied to `t`, expected `string`.
#252 opened by steelx - 3
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unexpected redraws
#241 opened by davibe - 7
`<RouterContext>` expects a `router` rather than a `history` --- anyone else run into this problem?
#242 opened by PendletonJones - 3
pushState works in ComponentWillReceiveProps. But doesn't work when I directly dispatch is as part of an action.
#243 opened by xinghengwang - 3
Add tags for 1.0.0-beta8 version
#249 opened by anton-rodin - 9
Upgrade to React-Router 2.x
#227 opened by mjrussell - 1
- 1
Uncaught Invariant Violation: findComponentRoot... with eventlisteners and pushState
#244 opened by ianks - 4
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pushState to same route with different params
#233 opened by jonathanasquier - 0
Remove history as dependency
#224 opened by Scarysize - 0
Update react-router dependency
#225 opened by Scarysize - 1
Provide Server-Side Example
#223 opened by Scarysize - 1
Example imports Provider but never uses it
#222 opened by aweary