
A basic pathfinding system for Unity.

Primary LanguageC#


A pathfinding system that I originally developed using Unity 4.6. I plan to use this as a base for several other projects, and figure that this might be useful to someone else.

Component Overview

The basic component of this is the Node class. Each Node has several variables: a position, a height, the illumination at that node and whether or not a unit can actually walk there. I did have a collection of other Nodes, representing the immediate neighbours, but this has been removed due to serialisation problems. However, that's been moved into the NavigationMesh component.

A NavigationMesh is a ScriptableObject that holds simply a collection of Nodes. I have chosen to use a Dictionary, with the Nodes acting as values and their positions acting as keys, as the Nodes must have unique positions, though this has co. The NavigationMesh currently contains methods to find the closest Node to an input position, find the neighbours of a particular Node, name the NavigationMesh, and add Nodes.

The BuildNavMesh component is simply a tool that actually builds the NavigationMesh. It is attached to a cube in the scene, and casts rays down at regular interval. If the ray hits a collider, the position is recorded and a new Node created at that position. There are also methods to calculate the intensity of any Spot Lights at a Node and display the Nodes when the cube is selected. I have also added methods to optimise the mesh: any node that does not have walkable neighbours is removed from the mesh, and nodes that are beside an obstacle are marked as unwalkable to keep agents from crashing into the wall. It will also temporarily disable specific GameObjects so it won't accidentally place an unwalkable node above a unit's head.

The SerializableVector3 script was taken from a post on the Unity3D forums, and is basically a serialisable version of the Vector3 struct. The reason for this is that saving and loading meshes relies on serialisation, but the default Vector3 struct is not serialisable. The original post was found at http://goo.gl/5XKomt

The FindPathBase class is a base class that defines the interface into the pathfinding system. On it's own, it's not much use, but it allows you to implement something other than the usual A* algorithm (as implemented in the AStar class). The pathfinding requires multithreading, but I haven't figured out how to link to the repository for the plugin I am using. Feel free to use your own multithreading package instead.

How to use this

Clone it with git, or download as a zip folder to the desktop. Once you have it, copy the folder into your Unity project, underneath the Assets folder.

Terms of Use

The code and assets here are available under the Creative Commons Attribution Licence (CC BY 4.0). In short, you may use these assets for your own projects, including commercial projects, but you must attribute them to me, ideally with a link to the repository.

How to contact me

If you have any suggestions, queries or complaints, send them to at philiprowlands90-at-gmail-dot-com.


The code here, along with the multithreading plugin I am using myself, was originally based on code from the Unity Gems tutorial website. However, the site appears to have disappeared, so unfortunately I can't link to it.