
User defined literals for boost units.

Primary LanguageC++

Units Literals

User defined literals for the Boost Units library.


User defined literals for almost all the S.I. units are defined including variants for each S.I. prefix.

  • auto d = 3.0_m; // 3 metres
  • auto acc = 4.8_km / 1.0_h / 1.0h; // 4.8 kilometres per square hour
  • auto ti = 9.11_ps; // 9.11 pico seconds

These are defined in the literals.hpp header in the boost::units::literals namespace.


Various constants are defined (making use of the user defined units literals).

  • const auto c = 299792458.0_m / 1_s; // Speed of light in a vacuum
  • const auto k = R / NA; // Boltzmann's constant

These are defined in the constants.hpp header in the boost::units::constants namespace.


The test.cpp file contains a few examples.