A Javascript jQuery Plugin for a universal search box with search suggestion.
Example on the meal planner site spoonacular. Here you can see the instant visual feedback (images showing how you understood the query) within the search suggest.
Example on the semantic product search engine semknox.com (not public). Here, the instant visual feedback is shown prominently above the query.
Also unibox is now used by site search provider Site Search 360.
Download the unibox.min.js and unibox.css or simply install via bower writing bower install unibox
For suggestions to work you have two parts. First, the unibox.min.js and unibox.min.css need to be included and configured on the page. Second, the server needs to give search suggest data for the plugin to show.
<input id="searchBox">
// these are required:
suggestUrl: '', // the URL that provides the data for the suggest
// these are optional:
searchBoxContainerSelector: undefined, // suggest will be attached to this container, by default it will be the parent of the search input (e.g. #searchBox)
instantVisualFeedback: 'all', // where the instant visual feedback should be shown, 'top', 'bottom', 'all', or 'none', default: 'all'
ivfImagePath: '', // the path to prepend to the instant visual feedback images
ivfImageOffset: -80, // the vertical offset of the ivf images
missingErrorImage: undefined, // a default image in case a suggested image was not found
throttleTime: 300, // the number of milliseconds before the suggest is triggered after finished input, default: 300ms
extraHtml: undefined, // extra HTML code that is shown in each search suggest
placeholder: undefined, // the placeholder to be put in the search field
highlight: true, // whether matched words should be highlighted, default: true
queryVisualizationHeadline: '', // A headline for the image visualization, default: empty
animationSpeed: 300, // speed of the animations, default: 300ms
enterCallback: undefined, // callback on what should happen when enter is pressed while the focus is in the search field
enterResultCallback: undefined, // callback on what should happen when enter is pressed while the focus is on one of the suggests, default: undefined, meaning the link will be followed
typeCallback: undefined, // callback on keydown events in the search box
focusCallback: undefined, // callback on focus events on the search box
blurCallback: undefined, // callback on blur events on the search box
minChars: 3, // minimum number of characters before the suggests shows, default: 3
maxWidth: 400 // the maximum width of the suggest box, default: as wide as the input box
On the server side create code in whatever language you want. The URL of the service should be set as "suggestUrl" in the settings on the page. The json that needs to be generated must have the following structure:
"words": [
"name": "name", // optionally, the name of the detected word
"image": "http://...", // the URL of the image
"suggests": {
"headline 1": [
"name": "name", // the name of the suggest that is shown to the user
"image": "http://...", // optionally an image URL to show next to the suggest
"link": "http://...", // optionally a URL that links to the suggested page
// ... more fields that can be used with ##name## in "extraHtml" templates
The field suggests
contains search suggests grouped under headlines. For example, on spoonacular.com you have an empty headline and a "Recipes" headline to group suggests.
The field words
is for the instant visual feedback. All the words or phrases that you recognized should be entered here so they can be shown to the user.
That's it already. If you use unibox and want to let me know, I include your usage example here. Happy coding.
If you want to initialize more that 1 UniBox in the same page you can wrap the initialization function in an event that triggers when the user switches between input boxes , such as focus
suggestUrl: ' path to your server-side', // the URL that provides the data for the suggest
suggestUrl: ' path to your server-side', // the URL that provides the data for the suggest
If you are willing to use bootstrap along with Unibox keep in mind that unibox will mess your input-group-addon
's height,
use this css to fix it
position: absolute!important;
/*important for fixing the input-group-addon heights*/