
🍨 Soothing pastel theme for (Neo)vim

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

Catppuccin for (Neo)vim

This port of Catppuccin is special because it was the first one and the one that originated the project itself. Given this, it's important to acknowledge that it all didn't come to be what it is now out of nowhere. So, if you are interested in knowing more about the initial stages of the theme, you can find it under the v0.1 tag



Bake your own flavour! Here are some config from our community: (background source)





{ "catppuccin/nvim", name = "catppuccin" }


use { "catppuccin/nvim", as = "catppuccin" }


Plug 'catppuccin/nvim', { 'as': 'catppuccin' }


colorscheme catppuccin " catppuccin-latte, catppuccin-frappe, catppuccin-macchiato, catppuccin-mocha
vim.cmd.colorscheme "catppuccin"


There is no need to call setup if you don't want to change the default options and settings.

    flavour = "mocha", -- latte, frappe, macchiato, mocha
    background = { -- :h background
        light = "latte",
        dark = "mocha",
    transparent_background = false,
    show_end_of_buffer = false, -- show the '~' characters after the end of buffers
    term_colors = false,
    dim_inactive = {
        enabled = false,
        shade = "dark",
        percentage = 0.15,
    no_italic = false, -- Force no italic
    no_bold = false, -- Force no bold
    styles = {
        comments = { "italic" },
        conditionals = { "italic" },
        loops = {},
        functions = {},
        keywords = {},
        strings = {},
        variables = {},
        numbers = {},
        booleans = {},
        properties = {},
        types = {},
        operators = {},
    color_overrides = {},
    custom_highlights = {},
    integrations = {
        cmp = true,
        gitsigns = true,
        nvimtree = true,
        telescope = true,
        notify = false,
        mini = false,
        -- For more plugins integrations please scroll down (https://github.com/catppuccin/nvim#integrations)

-- setup must be called before loading
vim.cmd.colorscheme "catppuccin"

Although settings already have self-explanatory names, here is where you can find info about each one of them and their classifications!


This settings are unrelated to any group and are independent.

  • background: (Table) Match :set background=light/dark with :Catppuccin background.light/dark
  • term_colors: (Boolean) if true, sets terminal colors (e.g. g:terminal_color_0).
  • transparent_background: (Boolean) if true, disables setting the background color.

Dim inactive

This setting manages the ability to dim the inactive splits/windows/buffers displayed.

  • enabled: (Boolean) if true, dims the background color of inactive window or buffer or split.
  • shade: (string) sets the shade to apply to the inactive split or window or buffer.
  • percentage: (number 0 < x < 1) percentage of the shade to apply to the inactive window, split or buffer.


Handles the style of general hi groups (see :h highlight-args):

  • comments: (Table) changed the style of the comments.
  • functions: (Table) changed the style of the functions.
  • keywords: (Table) changed the style of the keywords.
  • strings: (Table) changed the style of the strings.
  • variables: (Table) changed the style of the variables.

Customize highlights

Get catppuccin colors

local latte = require("catppuccin.palettes").get_palette "latte"
local frappe = require("catppuccin.palettes").get_palette "frappe"
local macchiato = require("catppuccin.palettes").get_palette "macchiato"
local mocha = require("catppuccin.palettes").get_palette "mocha"

Will returns a table where the key is the name of the color and the value is its hex value corresponding to each flavour.

Overwriting colors

Colors can be overwritten using color_overrides in the setting, like so:

require("catppuccin").setup {
    color_overrides = {
        all = {
            text = "#ffffff",
        latte = {
            base = "#ff0000",
            mantle = "#242424",
            crust = "#474747",
        frappe = {},
        macchiato = {},
        mocha = {},
Click here to see color palette document
Name Latte Frappe Macchiato Mocha Usage
rosewater #dc8a78 #F2D5CF #F4DBD6 #F5E0DC Winbar
flamingo #DD7878 #EEBEBE #F0C6C6 #F2CDCD Target word
pink #ea76cb #F4B8E4 #F5BDE6 #F5C2E7 Just pink
mauve #8839EF #CA9EE6 #C6A0F6 #CBA6F7 Tag
red #D20F39 #E78284 #ED8796 #F38BA8 Error
maroon #E64553 #EA999C #EE99A0 #EBA0AC Lighter red
peach #FE640B #EF9F76 #F5A97F #FAB387 Number
yellow #df8e1d #E5C890 #EED49F #F9E2AF Warning
green #40A02B #A6D189 #A6DA95 #A6E3A1 Diff add
teal #179299 #81C8BE #8BD5CA #94E2D5 Hint
sky #04A5E5 #99D1DB #91D7E3 #89DCEB Operator
sapphire #209FB5 #85C1DC #7DC4E4 #74C7EC Constructor
blue #1e66f5 #8CAAEE #8AADF4 #89B4FA Diff changed
lavender #7287FD #BABBF1 #B7BDF8 #B4BEFE CursorLine Nr
text #4C4F69 #c6d0f5 #CAD3F5 #CDD6F4 Default fg
subtext1 #5C5F77 #b5bfe2 #B8C0E0 #BAC2DE Indicator
subtext0 #6C6F85 #a5adce #A5ADCB #A6ADC8 Float title
overlay2 #7C7F93 #949cbb #939AB7 #9399B2 Popup fg
overlay1 #8C8FA1 #838ba7 #8087A2 #7F849C Conceal color
overlay0 #9CA0B0 #737994 #6E738D #6C7086 Fold color
surface2 #ACB0BE #626880 #5B6078 #585B70 Default comment
surface1 #BCC0CC #51576d #494D64 #45475A Darker comment
surface0 #CCD0DA #414559 #363A4F #313244 Darkest comment
base #EFF1F5 #303446 #24273A #1E1E2E Default bg
mantle #E6E9EF #292C3C #1E2030 #181825 Darker bg
crust #DCE0E8 #232634 #181926 #11111B Darkest bg

Overwriting highlight groups

Global highlight groups can be overwritten in the setting like so:

custom_highlights = function(colors)
    return {
        <hl_group> = { <fields> }

Here is an example:

require("catppuccin").setup {
    custom_highlights = function(colors)
        return {
            Comment = { fg = colors.flamingo },
            ["@constant.builtin"] = { fg = colors.peach, style = {} },
            ["@comment"] = { fg = colors.surface2, style = { "italic" } },

Per flavour highlight groups can be overwritten in the setting like so:

highlight_overrides = {
    all = function(colors) -- Global highlight, will be replaced with custom_highlights if exists
        return {
            <hl_group> = { <fields> }
    end, -- Same for each flavour
    latte = function(latte) end,
    frappe = function(frappe) end,
    macchiato = function(macchiato) end,
    mocha = function(mocha) end,

Here is an example:

require("catppuccin").setup {
  highlight_overrides = {
        all = function(colors)
            return {
                NvimTreeNormal = { fg = colors.none },
                CmpBorder = { fg = "#3e4145" },
        latte = function(latte)
            return {
                Normal = { fg = latte.base },
        frappe = function(frappe)
            return {
                ["@comment"] = { fg = frappe.surface2, style = { "italic" } },
        macchiato = function(macchiato)
            return {
                LineNr = { fg = macchiato.overlay1 },
        mocha = function(mocha)
            return {
                Comment = { fg = mocha.flamingo },


catppuccin-nvim provides theme support for other plugins in the Neovim ecosystem and extended Neovim functionality through integrations.

Below is a list of supported plugins and their corresponding integration module. (See Special integrations for more.)

Plugin Module
alpha-vim alpha
aerial.nvim aerial
barbar.nvim barbar
barbecue.nvim barbecue, Special
beacon.nvim beacon
bufferline.nvim Special
coc.nvim coc_nvim, Special
dashboard-nvim dashboard
feline.nvim Special
fern.vim fern
fidget.nvim Special
gitsigns.nvim gitsigns
harpoon harpoon
headlines.nvim headlines
hop.nvim hop
indent-blankline.nvim Special
leap.nvim leap
lightline.vim Special
lightspeed.nvim lightspeed
lspsaga.nvim lsp_saga, Special
lualine.nvim Special
markdown markdown
mason mason
mini.nvim mini
neo-tree.nvim neotree
neogit neogit
neotest neotest
noice.nvim noice
nvim-cmp cmp
nvim-dap-ui dap, Special
nvim-dap dap, Special
nvim-lspconfig native_lsp, Special
nvim-navic navic, Special
nvim-notify notify
nvim-semantic-tokens semantic_tokens
nvim-tree.lua nvimtree
nvim-treesitter-context treesitter_context
nvim-treesitter treesitter
nvim-ts-rainbow ts_rainbow
nvim-ts-rainbow2 ts_rainbow2
octo.nvim octo
overseer.nvim overseer
pounce.nvim pounce
symbols-outline.nvim symbols_outline
telekasten.nvim telekasten
telescope.nvim telescope
trouble.nvim lsp_trouble
vim-airline Special
vim-clap Special
vim-gitgutter gitgutter
vim-illuminate illuminate
vim-sandwich sandwich
vim-sneak vim_sneak
vimwiki vimwiki
which-key.nvim which_key

"Special" module means Special integrations, see https://github.com/catppuccin/nvim#special-integrations for more details

These integrations allow catppuccin to set the theme of various plugins. To enable an integration you just need to set it to true, for example:

    integrations = {
        <module> = <boolean>
Click here to see an example config
    integrations = {
        aerial = false,
        barbar = false,
        beacon = false,
        cmp = true,
        coc_nvim = false,
        dashboard = true,
        fern = false,
        fidget = false,
        gitgutter = false,
        gitsigns = true,
        harpoon = false,
        headlines = false,
        hop = false,
        illuminate = false,
        leap = false,
        lightspeed = false,
        lsp_saga = false,
        lsp_trouble = false,
        markdown = true,
        mason = true,
        mini = false,
        neogit = false,
        neotest = false,
        neotree = false,
        noice = false,
        notify = false,
        nvimtree = true,
        octo = false,
        overseer = false,
        pounce = false,
        sandwich = false,
        semantic_tokens = false,
        symbols_outline = false,
        telekasten = false,
        telescope = true,
        treesitter = true,
        treesitter_context = false,
        ts_rainbow = false,
        ts_rainbow2 = false,
        vim_sneak = false,
        vimwiki = false,
        which_key = false,

        -- Special integrations, see https://github.com/catppuccin/nvim#special-integrations
        barbecue = {
            dim_dirname = true,
            bold_basename = true,
            dim_context = false,
            alt_background = false,
        dap = {
            enabled = false,
            enable_ui = false,
        indent_blankline = {
            enabled = true,
            colored_indent_levels = false,
        native_lsp = {
            enabled = true,
            virtual_text = {
                errors = { "italic" },
                hints = { "italic" },
                warnings = { "italic" },
                information = { "italic" },
            underlines = {
                errors = { "underline" },
                hints = { "underline" },
                warnings = { "underline" },
                information = { "underline" },
        navic = {
            enabled = false,
            custom_bg = "NONE",

Special integrations


Use this to set it up (Note: catppuccin is the only valid theme name. It will pick the one set in your config):

require("barbecue").setup {
  theme = "catppuccin",

The directory name color shown is dimmed by default, you can customize this setting.

integrations = {
  barbecue = {
    dim_dirname = true,
    bold_basename = true,
    dim_context = false,

Update your bufferline config to use the Catppuccin components:

Note: bufferline needs to be loaded after setting up catppuccin or it will highlight incorrectly

use "akinsho/bufferline.nvim" {
  after = "catppuccin",
  config = function()
    require("bufferline").setup {
      highlights = require("catppuccin.groups.integrations.bufferline").get()

Configurations are self-explanatory, see :h bufferline-highlights for detailed explanations:

local mocha = require("catppuccin.palettes").get_palette "mocha"
bufferline.setup {
    highlights = require("catppuccin.groups.integrations.bufferline").get {
        styles = { "italic", "bold" },
        custom = {
            all = {
                fill = { bg = "#000000" },
            mocha = {
                background = { fg = mocha.text },
            latte = {
                background = { fg = "#000000" },

Setting enabled to true enables this integration.

coc_nvim = true,

Note: coc.nvim by default link to native lsp highlight groups so config from native_lsp will also apply to coc

In the inners tables you can set the style for the diagnostics, both virtual_text (what you see on the side) and underlines (what points directly at the thing (e.g. an error)).

native_lsp = {
    enabled = true,
    virtual_text = {
        errors = { "italic" },
        hints = { "italic" },
        warnings = { "italic" },
        information = { "italic" },
    underlines = {
        errors = { "underline" },
        hints = { "underline" },
        warnings = { "underline" },
        information = { "underline" },

Update your Feline config to use the Catppuccin components:

local ctp_feline = require('catppuccin.groups.integrations.feline')


    components = ctp_feline.get(),

Notice that calling setup() is optional. You may pass a lua table in order to change assets, settings and the colors per vim mode.

Here are the defaults:

local clrs = require("catppuccin.palettes").get_palette()
local ctp_feline = require('catppuccin.groups.integrations.feline')
local U = require "catppuccin.utils.colors"

    assets = {
        left_separator = "",
        right_separator = "",
        mode_icon = "",
        dir = "󰉖",
        file = "󰈙",
        lsp = {
            server = "󰅡",
            error = "",
            warning = "",
            info = "",
            hint = "",
        git = {
            branch = "",
            added = "",
            changed = "",
            removed = "",
    sett = {
        text = U.vary_color({ latte = latte.base }, clrs.surface0),
        bkg = U.vary_color({ latte = latte.crust }, clrs.surface0),
        diffs = clrs.mauve,
        extras = clrs.overlay1,
        curr_file = clrs.maroon,
        curr_dir = clrs.flamingo,
        show_modified = true -- show if the file has been modified
    mode_colors = {
        ["n"] = { "NORMAL", clrs.lavender },
        ["no"] = { "N-PENDING", clrs.lavender },
        ["i"] = { "INSERT", clrs.green },
        ["ic"] = { "INSERT", clrs.green },
        ["t"] = { "TERMINAL", clrs.green },
        ["v"] = { "VISUAL", clrs.flamingo },
        ["V"] = { "V-LINE", clrs.flamingo },
        [""] = { "V-BLOCK", clrs.flamingo },
        ["R"] = { "REPLACE", clrs.maroon },
        ["Rv"] = { "V-REPLACE", clrs.maroon },
        ["s"] = { "SELECT", clrs.maroon },
        ["S"] = { "S-LINE", clrs.maroon },
        [""] = { "S-BLOCK", clrs.maroon },
        ["c"] = { "COMMAND", clrs.peach },
        ["cv"] = { "COMMAND", clrs.peach },
        ["ce"] = { "COMMAND", clrs.peach },
        ["r"] = { "PROMPT", clrs.teal },
        ["rm"] = { "MORE", clrs.teal },
        ["r?"] = { "CONFIRM", clrs.mauve },
        ["!"] = { "SHELL", clrs.green },

Note: Currently feline doesn't officially support custom themes. In order for :colorscheme catppuccin-<flavour> to work you could add this autocmd as a workaround:

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("ColorScheme", {
    pattern = "*",
    callback = function()
        package.loaded["feline"] = nil
        package.loaded["catppuccin.groups.integrations.feline"] = nil
        require("feline").setup {
            components = require("catppuccin.groups.integrations.feline").get(),

Set fidget module to true

fidget = true

Then set window.blend to 0:

require("fidget").setup {
    window = {
        blend = 0,
    -- ... the rest of your fidget config

Setting enabled to true enables this integration. colored_indent_levels enables char highlights per indent level. Follow the instructions here to set the latter up.

indent_blankline = {
    enabled = true,
    colored_indent_levels = false,

Use this to set it up (Note: catppuccin is the only valid colorscheme name. It will pick the one set in your config):

let g:lightline = {'colorscheme': 'catppuccin'}

For custom Lsp Kind Icon and Color

require("lspsaga").setup {
    ui = {
        kind = require("catppuccin.groups.integrations.lsp_saga").custom_kind(),

Use this to set it up (Note: catppuccin is the only valid theme name. It will pick the one set in your config):

require('lualine').setup {
    options = {
        theme = "catppuccin"
        -- ... the rest of your lualine config
nvim-dap & nvim-dap-ui

Setting enabled to true:

integration = {
    dap = {
        enabled = true,
        enable_ui = true, -- enable nvim-dap-ui
-- You NEED to override nvim-dap's default highlight groups, AFTER requiring nvim-dap

local sign = vim.fn.sign_define

sign("DapBreakpoint", { text = "", texthl = "DapBreakpoint", linehl = "", numhl = ""})
sign("DapBreakpointCondition", { text = "", texthl = "DapBreakpointCondition", linehl = "", numhl = ""})
sign("DapLogPoint", { text = "", texthl = "DapLogPoint", linehl = "", numhl = ""})

Setting enabled to true enables this integration. In the inners tables you can set the style for the diagnostics, both virtual_text (what you see on the side) and underlines (what points directly at the thing (e.g. an error)).

native_lsp = {
    enabled = true,
    virtual_text = {
        errors = { "italic" },
        hints = { "italic" },
        warnings = { "italic" },
        information = { "italic" },
    underlines = {
        errors = { "underline" },
        hints = { "underline" },
        warnings = { "underline" },
        information = { "underline" },

Setting enabled to true:

navic = {
    enabled = false,
    custom_bg = "NONE",
-- You NEED to enable highlight in nvim-navic setting or it won't work
require("nvim-navic").setup {
    highlight = true

Use this to set it up (Note: catppuccin is the only valid colorscheme name. It will pick the one set in your config):

let g:airline_theme = 'catppuccin'

Use this to set it up:

let g:clap_theme = 'catppuccin'

If you'd like to know which highlight groups are being affected by catppuccin, check out this directory: lua/catppuccin/groups/integrations/.


Note: As of 7/10/2022, catppuccin should be able to automatically recompile when the setup table changed.

Catppuccin is a highly customizable and configurable colorscheme. This does however come at the cost of complexity and execution time.

Catppuccin can pre compute the results of your configuration and store the results in a compiled lua file. We use these precached values to set it's highlights.


By default catppuccin writes the compiled results into the system's cache directory. You can change the cache dir using:

require("catppuccin").setup({ -- Note: On windows we replace `/` with `\` by default
    compile_path = vim.fn.stdpath "cache" .. "/catppuccin"

Compile commands

:CatppuccinCompile " Create/update the compile file
require('catppuccin').compile() -- Catppuccin also provide a function to work with the catppuccin compiler.


Use them to execute code at certain events. These are the ones available:

Autocmd Description
ColorSchemePre Before loading a colorscheme
ColorScheme After loading a colorscheme

They can be used like so:

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("ColorSchemePre", {
    pattern = "*",
    callback = function()
        print "I ran before loading Catppuccin!"

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("ColorScheme", {
    pattern = "*",
    callback = function()
        local colors = require("catppuccin.palettes").get_palette()
        -- do something with colors


Switch Catppuccin flavour on the fly

:Catppuccin mocha/macchiato/frappe/latte

Note: the command has autocompletion enabled, so you can just press tab to cycle through the flavours

Load other custom highlights later


For example:

local colors = require("catppuccin.palettes").get_palette() -- fetch colors from palette
    Comment = { fg = colors.surface0 }

Note: Unlike the :highlight command which can update a highlight group, this function completely replaces the definition. (:h nvim_set_hl)

Wrong treesitter highlights

Please disable additional_vim_regex_highlighting

require("nvim-treesitter.configs").setup {
    highlight = {
        enable = true,
        additional_vim_regex_highlighting = false

Colors doesn't match preview screenshots

Catppuccin requires true color support AKA terminals support the full range of 16 million colors

  • Supported: iterm2 (macOS), kitty, wezterm, alacritty, tmux, ...

Full list of support terminals can be found here: https://github.com/termstandard/colors#truecolor-support-in-output-devices

  • Unsupported terminal: Terminal.app (macOS), Terminus, Terminology, ...

Full list of Unsupported terminals can be found here: https://github.com/termstandard/colors#not-supporting-truecolor

Thanks to


Copyright © 2021-present Catppuccin Org