
Swift Component Architecture, inspired by React JS.

Primary LanguageSwift

Swift Component Architecture

Inspired by the React JS component architecture. Name is provisional.

class CustomComponent: Component {
    typealias State = Void
    required init(props: Void) {}

    func render() -> UIView {
        return .stack(children: [
            .label(.init(text: "Label 1", backgroundColor: .yellow)),
            .stack(.init(axis: .horizontal), children: [
                .label(.init(text: "Label 2", backgroundColor: .cyan)),
                .label(.init(text: "Label 3", backgroundColor: .orange))

Project status

Pre-alpha / concept-phase.

  • MVP with support for UILabel & UIStackView components
  • Support for all common UIKit classes
  • Support for Flexbox layouting
  • Support for Markup rendering
  • Direct integration with ReSwift

Component protocol

Components that adopt the Component protocol, declare their input properties (Props), changeable State, and their Rendering output. When targeting iOS, this'll be UIView or one of its subclasses.

public protocol Component: class {
    associatedtype Rendering
    associatedtype State
    associatedtype Props

    var state: State { get set }

    init(props: Props)
    func render() -> Rendering

ComponentRenderer protocol

A ComponentRenderer is a support class that takes a Component's properties and state, and renders it.

public protocol ComponentRenderer {
    func render()

See UIKitComponentRenderer.swift for an example targeting UIKit.

ComponentLayout protocol

A ComponentLayout is a support class that takes a Component and lays out its rendering inside a host.

public protocol ComponentLayout {
    associatedtype ComponentRendering
    associatedtype ComponentRenderingHost

    func applyLayout(to componentRendering: ComponentRendering, in host: ComponentRenderingHost)

See UIKitComponentAnchorLayout.swift, an AutoLayout implementation with support for pinning to one or more edges


Domain Specific Language for composing components. UIKitComponentDSL.swift exposes shorthands for the built-in UIKit components.