Inspired by the React JS component architecture. Name is provisional.
class CustomComponent: Component {
typealias State = Void
required init(props: Void) {}
func render() -> UIView {
return .stack(children: [
.label(.init(text: "Label 1", backgroundColor: .yellow)),
.stack(.init(axis: .horizontal), children: [
.label(.init(text: "Label 2", backgroundColor: .cyan)),
.label(.init(text: "Label 3", backgroundColor: .orange))
Pre-alpha / concept-phase.
- MVP with support for UILabel & UIStackView components
- Support for all common UIKit classes
- Support for Flexbox layouting
- Support for Markup rendering
- Direct integration with ReSwift
Components that adopt the Component
protocol, declare their input properties (Props
), changeable State
, and their Rendering
output. When targeting iOS, this'll be UIView
or one of its subclasses.
public protocol Component: class {
associatedtype Rendering
associatedtype State
associatedtype Props
var state: State { get set }
init(props: Props)
func render() -> Rendering
A ComponentRenderer
is a support class that takes a Component
's properties and state, and renders it.
public protocol ComponentRenderer {
func render()
See UIKitComponentRenderer.swift for an example targeting UIKit.
A ComponentLayout
is a support class that takes a Component
and lays out its rendering inside a host.
public protocol ComponentLayout {
associatedtype ComponentRendering
associatedtype ComponentRenderingHost
func applyLayout(to componentRendering: ComponentRendering, in host: ComponentRenderingHost)
See UIKitComponentAnchorLayout.swift, an AutoLayout implementation with support for pinning to one or more edges
Domain Specific Language for composing components. UIKitComponentDSL.swift exposes shorthands for the built-in UIKit components.