This data contains inconsistencies. Please pay special attention to the errata. This repository is designed to act as an archive for the workbooks as delivered via contract.
This data has been reproduced in an updated form for the 2024 Alaska Electricity Trends Report. This report includes updated data for download that addresses many of the issues in the errata.
This repository is the landing page for ACEP's support of the Alaska Energy Statistics workbooks and reports.
The Alaska Energy Statistics is a long-running collection of data and reports about energy production, consumption, and related topics specific to the state of Alaska. The workbooks are developed to provide community & utility level datasets that support regional and statewide aggregations for use in the report.
This is part of a 40+ year effort to create and maintain high level views of the state's energy profile that are useful for policy makers, buinesess, researches, and others interested in Alaska's energy sector.
- Alaska Energy Authority, is the state's energy office and lead agency for statewide energy policy and program development.
- Alaska Center for Energy and Power, a research center at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF)
- Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) is a research center at the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA).
This repository is home to the 2023 efforts to cover the 10 year gap in the Alaska Energy Statistics workbooks and reports.
- Pre 2011
- Report: 1960-2011 - prepared by ISER
Team supporting development of the 2011-2021 workbooks:
- Neil McMahon (DOWL Inc) - Created/updated 2011-2021 workbooks
- Steve Colt (UAF ACEP) - Collaborated on validation and fixing of workbooks. Wrote data disctionary.
- Gwen Holdmann (UAF ACEP) - Collaborated on review and feedback of workbooks.
- Ian MacDougall (UAF ACEP) - Led collection of workbooks into a repository and supported review and analysis.
- Vanessa Raymond (UAF ACEP) - Supported workbook archiving and distribution.
- Dayne Broderson (UAF ACEP)- Supported workbook repository and website for distribution
- Jesse Kaczmarski (UAF ACEP) - Supported errata development, data dictionary, and data validity. Continued maintenance and support.
- Elizabeth (Liz) Dobbins (UAF ACEP) - Supported data governance transition. Continued maintenance and support.
Funding support from this team was provided by leveraging support from multiple partners that included: Office of Naval Research (ONR) funded Alaska Regional Collaboration for Technology Innovation and Commercialization (ARCTIC) program, the Denali Commission, the State of Alaska, Univeristy of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) Alaska Center for Energy and Power (ACEP), and Univeristy of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER).
Data used in the energy workbooks comes from a variety of sources and partners, but special thanks to the Alaska Energy Authority for partnering with the team to get the base line power cost equalization datasets made available.