Rubicon - Team Manager Application

Team Impromptu


The proposed solution addresses the use case in a few different ways:

  • A main web tool (for use at the command center) will allow teams to be created easily, and for team status & updates to be viewed at a glance
  • A mobile app (installed on each team member’s mobile phone) allows team leaders to see their team members & other teams in real-time, allows each team member to update their individual status, and enables requests by team leaders for additional personnel
  • A connect Amazon Echo device will allow hands-free (audio) updates of team status from the field in the command center.

Use Cases

Administrator Web Console

General Admin

  • View general status (engagements/teams/members/map)
  • Add a new Rubicon user to the system
  • View all Rubicon users
  • View Rubicon user details
  • Edit Rubicon user details
  • View all strike teams
  • View strike team details
  • View active engagements
  • Create a new engagement
  • Show update (popup/message) when a team member update occurs

Create a Strike Team

  • Create a strike team & set team details
  • Assign a team leader
  • Assign team members/Transfer team members
  • Assign to an engagement/Release from an engagement

Team Member Mobile Application

Team Leader Mode

  • View team members on map
  • View other strike teams on map
  • Request new team member
  • Release team member

Team Member Mode

  • View team members on map
  • View change profile details and status

Echo/Alexa Device

  • Broadcast audio event updates
  • Team member status changes
  • Listen for questions:
  • What is the status of team member X?
  • What is the status of strike team X?
  • Where is team member X?

Full Use Case Document