
My Lunarvim configuration

Primary LanguageLua

My Lovely Configuration for Go and .NET Development

This repository contains a LunarVim configuration tailored for Go & .NET development, including syntax highlighting, linting, formatting, debugging, and more. Follow the instructions below to set up your environment.

Table of Contents


  1. Install LunarVim: Follow the official installation guide.

  2. Clone this repository:

    git clone https://github.com/acephasanudin/lunarvim-config.git ~/.config/lvim
  3. Restart LunarVim to apply the configuration.



Ensure Go and Go module files are highlighted correctly.


Additional plugins to enhance Go development.


Configure formatters to automatically format Go files on save.


Configure linters for Go files.

DAP (Debug Adapter Protocol)

Set up DAP for debugging Go & .NET applications with nvim-dap and nvim-dap-ui.

LSP (Language Server Protocol)

Set up Go language servers and additional commands.


Configure ToggleTerm for terminal management within LunarVim.

Key Mappings

Normal Mode Key Mappings

  • <F5>: Continue
  • <F10>: Step Over
  • <F11>: Step Into
  • <F12>: Step Out

Leader Key Mappings

  • <Leader>n: Toggle Breakpoint
  • <Leader>N: Set Conditional Breakpoint
  • <Leader>lp: Set Log Point
  • <Leader>dr: Open REPL
  • <Leader>dl: Run Last


Custom footer for the LunarVim dashboard.

For more details and advanced configuration, refer to the LunarVim documentation.