1.0 - Acer 2018/01/29 18:39
- Install driver from CD or use files/NONIN.iso
- Install Psychtoolbox from http://psychtoolbox.org/download/
- Run "main.m" from Matlab to start the program
- A GUI window will show and you need to enter subject information to continue
All experimental parameters are in "parameters.m".
All the meanings of parameters are in the "parameters.m"
In the most situations, you can press "Esc" or "ctrl+c" to abort the program.
- Data are saved in "data" folder
- Data are saved after every trial.
- Data filename is "subjectID_sessionID.csv" and "subjectID_sessionID.mat"
- "subjectID_sessionID.mat" is matlab native data format and saves more information for future analysis.
- Run "HeartbeatViewer.m" can view the heartbeat signal real-time. And press "ctrl+c" to stop the program.