
A repo host my personal enviornment

Primary LanguageVim Script


This is a repo for my personal environment set up. Idea behind set up

  1. Adapting Mac OS & Linux (Ubuntu)
  2. Reduce time on using mouse
  3. Unified shortcuts and adapt to all environments
  4. Only add tools if absolute necessary (useful)

Content Here

  1. installation scripts and cleaning up scripts for Mac OS and Ubuntu
  2. my zsh config
  3. vim config


Function Mac OS Ubuntu
package management brew apt & snap
browser firefox & chrome firefox & chrome
IM slack slack
email Mail ThunderBird
video Zoom Zoom
terminal iterm2 terminal
Note Notion Notion
Editor vscode & vim vscode & vim
Docker Docker Docker
Window manager yabai i3wm

Optional Apps

  • sequelpro
  • insomnia
  • gifox/giphy capture/gitCapture
  • alfred
  • vbox

Terminal Set up

Tools Description
zsh default sh
htop systerm monitoring
Tmux split terminal
Git version control
gh github cli to manage github in cmd
ffmpge picture manage cli tool
youtube-dl youtube download tool
file explore ranger
Tools Description
zsh default sh
htop systerm monitoring
Tmux split terminal
Git version control
gh github cli to manage github in cmd
ffmpge picture manage cli tool
youtube-dl youtube download tool
jq A command-line JSON processor
yq A command-line YMAL processor
autojump a quick tool jump directory
tmux A terminal multiplexer

Additional Terminal Set up

Tools Description
tldr simplify man page
googler cmd google tool
wiki cmd wiki tool
thefuck cmd fixing tool
(fzf)[https://github.com/junegunn/fzf] A command-line fuzzy finder
(coreutils)[https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/] gnu core utils
mdv A command-line Markdown reader

Cloud Provider Tools

Tool Description
aws cli aws cli

Development Set up

  • NodeJS
  • Go Lang
  • DotNet Core
  • Python
  • Rust
  • Java

