
Simple to the point theme for JSON Resume, based on the short theme.

Primary LanguageHTML

JSON Resume Theme: Full

This theme is based off of npmjs.com/package/jsonresume-theme-short with some additional fixes and workflows.

Getting Started/Prerequisites

Follow the directions from the boilerplate to get everything installed like node, npm, and the resume-cli then follow the workflow below in Developing


  • Responsive HTML version for viewing on mobile devices
  • Section Headers prevent widow using page-break-inside: avoid


If you have NVM installed you should be switched into a flavor of nodejs 15, otherwise make sure you're using a version around 15.14.0 before the next step.

  1. npm install
  2. In your terminal run npm run style
  3. In another terminal run npm run dev
  4. open http://localhost:35729/ and start hacking away on styles

You can edit the dev/index.html file if you're looking to reorder things, but anything you do will not persist until you make changes in the resume.hbs or it's partials located in partials/

The resume.json used for the static dev file is located at jsonresume.org/schema/ and it is the baseline that you should use in order to build your resume. Leaving out sections will remove them from the output.



If you want to change the accent color add this to the top of your resume.json above the basics information and change the hex color to suit your needs!

  "meta": {
    "accent": "#b4d455"

Then run resume serve --theme full in your resume repository and get to editing the resume.json file with your details, easy peesy.

Format dates without preceding zeros for the date formatter to work properly 2020-02-03 will not work but 2020-2-3 will. I'll work that out later hopefully.

As far as exporting a PDF version, @page rules are not always respected in terms of margins, I recommend initiating a print of the HTML page and then using the option to save as a PDF if you have multiple pages.

Contribute or Fork

Feel free to Fork this repo and create your own style, or submit a PR if you find an error or think about a wonderful addition.


Available under the MIT license.