All natural pine, faux fur and a bit of soho vibes for the classy minimalist
With packer.nvim
as = 'rose-pine',
config = function()
vim.cmd('colorscheme rose-pine')
Supported plugins are listed in the wiki
Rosé Pine
Rosé Pine Moon
Rosé Pine Dawn
Options should be set before colorscheme
Variant respects vim.o.background
, using dawn when light and dark_variant
when dark
--- @usage 'main' | 'moon'
dark_variant = 'main',
bold_vert_split = false,
dim_nc_background = false,
disable_background = false,
disable_float_background = false,
disable_italics = false,
--- @usage string hex value or named color from
groups = {
background = 'base',
panel = 'surface',
border = 'highlight_med',
comment = 'muted',
link = 'iris',
punctuation = 'subtle',
error = 'love',
hint = 'iris',
info = 'foam',
warn = 'gold',
headings = {
h1 = 'iris',
h2 = 'foam',
h3 = 'rose',
h4 = 'gold',
h5 = 'pine',
h6 = 'foam',
-- or set all headings at once
-- headings = 'subtle'
-- Change specific vim highlight groups
highlight_groups = {
ColorColumn = { bg = 'rose' }
-- set colorscheme after options
vim.cmd('colorscheme rose-pine')
We welcome and appreciate any help in creating a lovely experience for all.