A lightweight jQuery plugin to animate a progress bar. This plugin is responsive.
Include script after the jQuery library:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery-goal-slider.js"></script>
Recommended : use the scss file and customize easily the settings.
Alternatively you can include the css
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/jquery-goal-slider.css"></script>
In order to use this plugin you have to follow the provided html template. Some elements are optional : .jgs__motivational
and .jgs__steps-container
. Replace the text content at your convenance in those two containers.
<div class="jgs__container">
<div class="jgs__motivational">
Help us reach
<br> our goals.
<div class="jgs__image-container">
<div class="jgs__percentage-container">
<span class="jgs__percentage-value"></span>
<div class="jgs__overlay-container">
<img class="jgs__overlay-image" src="OVERLAY IMAGE HERE">
<img class="jgs__image-base" src="ORIGINAL IMAGE HERE"/>
<div class="jgs__steps-container">
<div class="jgs__steps-highlighted"></div>
<div class="jgs__step">
<span class="jgs__sum-goal">250 000 €</span>
<span class="jgs__goal">Our first goal</span>
<div class="jgs__step">
<span class="jgs__sum-goal">500 000 €</span>
<span class="jgs__goal">Our second goal</span>
<div class="jgs__step">
<span class="jgs__sum-goal">750 000 €</span>
<span class="jgs__goal">Our third goal</span>
<div class="jgs__step">
<span class="jgs__sum-goal">1 000 000 €</span>
<span class="jgs__goal">Our fourth goal</span>
To init the plugin please do as follows :
$('.jgs__container').goalSlider( { options } );
An optional parameter to specify the animation easing. Defaults to easeOutCubic.
easing: 'swing'
An optional parameter specifying the length of the animation in milliseconds (ms). Defaults to 6000 (6 seconds).
duration: 2000
An optional parameter specifying the delay of the animation in milliseconds (ms). Defaults to 3000 (3 seconds)
delay: 300
The final value that you want the bar to be animated to.
percentage: 42
An optional parameter specifying the value of the slant. Defaults to 15. A value of 0
will disable the slant.
slantDegree: 10
A function to be called when the animation beings.
onStart: function(){
alert('The animation started')
A function to be called when the animation is complete.
onComplete: function(){
alert('The animation is over')
MIT License (c) Antonin Cezard