
The Sendinblue API makes it easy for programmers to integrate many of Sendinblue's features into other applications.

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The Sendinblue API makes it easy for programmers to integrate many of Sendinblue's features into other applications.


Create a campaign


curl -H 'api-key:YOUR_API_V3_KEY' -X POST -d '{

Define the campaign settings

"name":"Campaign sent via the API", "subject":"My subject", "sender": { "name": "From name", "email":"name@example.com" }, "type": "classic",

Content that will be sent

"htmlContent": "Congratulations! You successfully sent this example campaign via the Sendinblue API.",

Select the recipients

"recipients": { "listIds": [2,7] },

Schedule the sending in one hour

"scheduledAt": "2018-01-01 00:00:01", }' 'https://api.sendinblue.com/v3/emailCampaigns'