
Ransomware generation framework in java

Primary LanguageJava

JavaCry Java Ransomware Framework

⚠️ This project is for educational purpose only. Please make sure to run the ransomware in a testing environment, double check that the program encrypts the right directory, and do not use the project for any illegal use. I do not take any responsibility of any damage.

What is it?

It is a project to build the java ransomwares generator and manage ransomware victims. It generates customized ransomwares, listens for victim's private key, and handles decryption requests.


The ransomware

  • Windows with java installed
  • MacOS with java installed
  • Linux with java installed

Java Ransomware Framework

  • Windows with java installed
  • MacOS with java installed
  • Linux with java installed

Java Ransomware Framework as a terminal command

  • MacOS with bash or zsh
  • Linux with bash or zsh

User guideline

Using an installer

  • MacOS and Linux
    • Download and run the JRFInstaller.sh bash script, which would install the source in the /opt/JavaCry directory, and make aliases in bash and zsh.
    • To run the JRF framework, refresh the terminal and run JRF [commands].

Manually download and run the source

  • To run the JRF framework, move to JRF/Classes directory and run java JRF [commands] in terminal
  • To run MainServer, which handles keys and decryption requests, move to JRF/Classes directory and run java MainServer or java JRF -s in terminal


  • Target path: the path which the ransomware encrypts the files. Make sure it is set to the right folder. Leaving blank would mean that the ransomware would encrypt its local directory.
  • Local IP: the attackers IP address
  • Reverse shell:
    • port: any port except 5555 and 6666, since these are the ports used by KeyServer and DecryptRequestHandler
    • persistence: Decryptor tries to configure the victim system so that the attacker's access would be persistent. This may be detected as some system has permission setting blocking this utility.

Command line arguments:

 -a,--Address <Address>              Crypto Address
 -c,--Cost <Cost in ETH>             Cost of decryption in ETH. The
                                     default is 1 ETH.
 -h,--IP <IP>                        Local IP address
 -i,--Interactive                    Interactive mode
 -o,--Export <Export path>           Destination for export
 -p,--revPort <port>                 Reverse shell port
 -P,--Persistence                    Activate reverse shell persistence
 -r,--UseRev                         Activate reverse shell
 -s,--Server                         Open MainServer
 -t,--TargetDir <Target directory>   Target directory for the ransomware
                                     to encrypt
 -u,--UI                             GUI mode

Note: reverse shell and persistence are optional


JavaCry Functionality:

  • It is the ransomware delivered to the victim.
  • Creates a random number, as the victim’s identity.
  • Hashes the number and sends it to the server.
  • Receives its public key from the server for decryption.
  • Creates 256 bit AES key, use the key to encrypt recursively in the target folder.
  • Save key: encrypt the AES key with the public key, and save as Key_protected.key.
  • Creates, compiles, and executes Decryptior.jar.
  • Decryptior.jar:
    • Opens a UI for decryption guideline
    • Shows a a button for sending decryption requests
    • Wait for the acceptance of DecryptRequestHandler
    • Decrypt files:
      • Receives the private key
      • Read Key_protected.key
      • Decrypt Key_protected.key with the private key, get the AES key
      • Use the AES key to recursively decrypt the target folder
    • Delete itself, Key_protected.key

MainServer Functionality:

  • It is the server that manages the victim's private keys and decryption requests.
  • Commands:
    • clear: clear the screen
    • help: show help page
    • KS header: run KeyServer commands
    • DR header: run DecryptRequestHandler commands
    • KeyServer:
      • The server creates RSA key pairs for every victim, sending the public keys to the victim to encrypt the AES key used for file encryption.
      • For every client instance:
        • Creates a key pair, keep the private key
        • Receives the client’s id hash
        • Send public key to the client
        • Store the client’s IP, private key, and id hash in keys.csv, which would be created in the user's home directory.
      • Commands:
        • help: show help page
        • show: show information of victims
        • remove : remove information about the specific victim in keys.csv. This would cause the victim to be unable to make decryption requests.
        • off: turn of server, rejecting all requests
        • on: turn on server
        • reset: reset keys.csv
    • DecryptRequestHandler
      • Commands:
        • help: show help page
        • show: show authenticated clients
        • reject : reject a specific request
        • accept : accept a specific request
        • off: turn of server, rejecting all requests
        • on: turn on server

Extra spice:

  • integrated reverse shell in Decryptor, and run it everytime the victim runs Decryptor
  • persistence trials can be enabled, protecting the attacker's access (Note: it may be detected due to some security policy of computers)

How it works





Things to work on

  • Use the Tor network
  • Add timer to Decryptor