Clanopedia - Encode Web3_AI


This project allows AI models to retrieve vectors indexed on-chain in ICP canisters. The data is controlled by a DAO governance mechanism, ensuring a decentralized and tamper-proof process for adding and retrieving vectors.


  1. Vector Storage and Retrieval:

    • AI models can call getVectors to retrieve stored vectors.
    • Vectors are securely stored on-chain, and similarity queries can be performed with the embedding of a given prompt.
  2. Decentralized Governance:

    • To add or update a new vector, an "add document" proposal is created.
    • Token holders of the dip20votes token can vote on proposals.
    • The default voting threshold is set to 1 vote for this demo.
    • Minting of dip20votes tokens is also free for this demo.
  3. Backend Integration:

    • The backend canister converts text documents into vector embeddings by sending an HTTP outcall to an openAI endpoint set up for embedding.
    • Once a proposal meets the vote threshold and is approved, anyone can add the vector representations to the canister and close the corresponding proposal.

Governance and Token Functions

  • Deploy DIP20 Token:

    public shared func deployDIP20() : async Principal;
  • Get DIP20 Token Principal:

    public query func getDIP20Principal() : async ?Principal;
  • Mint Token:

    public shared (msg) func mintToken() : async TxReceipt;
  • Create Proposal:

    private func _createProposal(method : Text, documentId : Text, threshold : Nat, caller : Principal) : async Nat;
  • Get Proposals:

    public shared (_) func getProposals() : async [{
        id : Nat;
        proposer : Principal;
        documentID : Text;
        method : Text;
        threshold : Nat;
  • Vote on Proposal:

    public shared (msg) func vote(proposalId : Nat, support : Bool) : async ();
  • Close Proposal:

    public shared func closeProposal(proposalId : Nat) : async ();
  • Get Proposal Status:

    public shared func getProposalStatus(proposalId : Nat) : async {
        status : ?DIP20Votes.ProposalState;

Document and Vector Management

  • Add Document:

    public shared (msg) func addDocument(title : Text, content : Text) : async ?(Principal, Text, Nat);
  • Add Vector:

    public func addVector(cid : Principal, docID : Text, vectorId : Text, start : Nat, end : Nat, vector : [Float]) : async ?Text;
  • Get Vector Chunks:

    public func getVectors(cid : Principal) : async ?{ items : [VectorData] };
  • Get Document Chunks:

    public func getChunks(documentID : FileId, cid : Principal) : async ?Text;
  • Get Specific Chunk:

    public func getChunk(fileId : FileId, chunkNum : Nat, cid : Principal) : async ?Text;
  • Get Index Info:

    public func getIndexInfo(cid : Principal) : async ?[FileInfo];
  • Get Document ID by Vector ID:

    public shared func getDocumentID(vectorId : Text, cid : Principal) : async ?Text;
  • Get Document ID by Title:

    public shared func titleToDocumentID(title : Text) : async ?Text;
  • Get Document Title by Document ID:

    public shared func documentIDToTitle(documentID : Text) : async ?Text;

HTTP Outcall for Embeddings

  • Create Embeddings:
    public func createEmbeddings(words : Text) : async Text;


  • The provided functions are for demo purposes; additional error handling and security measures may be required for production use.

