
go-identity is a demo that demonstrates signing a document.

Code structure

├── README.md
├── design.png
├── docs
│   ├── docs.go
│   ├── swagger.json
│   └── swagger.yaml
├── domain
│   └── identity.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── handler
│   ├── error.go
│   ├── identity.go
│   └── identity_test.go
├── main.go
├── middleware
│   └── recovery.go
├── pkg
│   ├── bundle.go
│   ├── bundle_test.go
│   ├── document.go
│   ├── document_test.go
│   ├── identity.go
│   ├── identity_test.go
│   └── test.go
├── store
│   ├── identity.go
│   └── identity_test.go
├── swagger.png
└── utils
    └── util.go

7 directories, 24 files

Above is the overall structure of the repository. Its designed in layers to separate concerns (business logic, handlers, etc..) and also to faciliate testing.

  • docs: Holds swagger documentation (generated by swaggo/swag)
  • domain: This holds domain specific entities. e.g identity
  • handler: Packages handlers and http specific structures including middlewares.
  • pkg: This is where the main business logic is kept.
  • store: The store is a data access layer to an underlying storage. For this demo, we used a simple map
  • utils: This packages useful utilities that are used across the codebase.


Below is the overall design of the components


Recovery middleware

This is a middleware that catches all panics and returns a friendly message to the caller.

Identity handler

The handler is a struct that implements the http handler interface. We use a struct here so that we can pass custom properties to the handler.

// Identity is the identity handler.
type Identity struct {
	log    *log.Logger
	router *mux.Router
	svc    *pkg.Identity

Constructor injection is used to set the dependencies so that we can replace them with custom/mock dependencies when unit testing.

// NewIdentity returns a new identity handler.
func NewIdentity(log *log.Logger, router *mux.Router, svc *pkg.Identity) *Identity {
	return &Identity{


  • The handler accepts and returns application/json
  • It also uses POST http method. We used POST intead of GET to bypass the hassle of url escaping/unescaping the base64 document hash that will be passed to it.
  • The current user ID is passed as a request header as userID.

Documentation for the handlers is done with swagger and accessible at http://localhost:8000/swagger/index.html docs

Document Hash

This represents the hash of a document.

  • It's a 64 byte long SHA512 hash
  • It provides methods to encode/decode from base64


This is represents packing of document and identity. For this demo, all it does is combine them in a single stucture.

Identity (domain)

This represents the identity of a user

// Identity is a user identity.
type Identity struct {
	ID        int       `json:"id"`
	FirstName string    `json:"firstName"`
	LastName  string    `json:"lastName"`
	DOB       time.Time `json:"dob,string"`

Identity (store)

This provides ability to retrieve identities from an underlying storage. In this case, it's a dummy map[int]*domain.Identity Constructor injection is used here as well to facilitate testing.

// NewIdentity returns a new identity store.
func NewIdentity(d map[int]*domain.Identity) *Identity {
	return &Identity{d}

The identity store implements the Store interface so that it can be mocked.

// Store is a store interface.
type Store interface {
    Get(ID int) (*domain.Identity, error)

For example,

// MockIdentity is a identity store.
type MockIdentityStore struct {

// Get returns an identity from the store.
func (s *MockIdentityStore) Get(int) (*domain.Identity, error) {
    args := s.Called()
    return args.Get(0).(*domain.Identity), args.Error(1)

Identity (service)

This is the main part of the system. It's responsible for signing bundling document with identities, and then signing the bundle.

  • A private key is required to be available in the os env. PRIVATE_KEY.
  • It uses ecdsa algorithm to sign the sha512 digest of the bundle.

It also uses constructor injection to decouple dependencies.

// NewIdentity returns a new identity service.
func NewIdentity(s store.Store) *Identity {
	return &Identity{s}


The server runs on PORT and shuts down gracefully in a timeout of SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT
main is used to tie dependencies together and set up the system structure.

d := map[int]*domain.Identity{
    1: {
        FirstName: "John",
        LastName:  "Doe",
        DOB:       time.Now(),
identityStore := store.NewIdentity(d)
identitySvc := pkg.NewIdentity(identityStore)
identityHandler := handler.NewIdentity(logger, r, identitySvc)

Running the app

Make sure your envs are up-to-date

  • PORT. Server port. Default is 8000
  • SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT: Timeout to shut down server gracefully. Default is 5s
  • PRIVATE_KEY: Key to sign bundles. Default is "". It is required!

Export private key and run the app.

$> export PRIVATE_KEY="-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY----- 

$> go run main.go


Run tests with go test ./...
If you want to run with coverage, do go test -cover ./...

?       go-identity             [no test files]
?       go-identity/domain      [no test files]
ok      go-identity/handler     0.855s  coverage: 82.2% of statements
?       go-identity/middleware  [no test files]
ok      go-identity/pkg 1.114s  coverage: 83.6% of statements
ok      go-identity/store       0.599s  coverage: 100.0% of statements
?       go-identity/utils       [no test files]