Contentful Image Tagger

Tag your Contenful images using AWS rekognition


create a env.yml with your contentful credentials

default_env: &default_env
  contentful_space_id: <your_contentful_space_id>
  contentful_access_token: <your_contentful_access_token>
   <<: *default_env

then deploy it...

serverless deploy --stage=dev


GET '/tags?entry_id=<contenful_entry_id>&reference_path=<reference_path>&tag_path=<tag_path>
field description required
entry_id the contentful entry id yes
reference_path the reference path to the image on the entry object for example if the asset is stored under the content model eg. 'profile_picture' or 'image' yes
tag_path the tag path under the content model, needs to be a text list type eg. tags, labels, meta_data etc no


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  "entry_id": "34h43dfd1",
  "tags": [
  "error": null

And your tags should be set on the field you put as your tag path