
Create ethr DIDs

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Ethr DID

ethr DID library

This library conforms to ERC 1056 and is intended to use ethereum addresses as fully self managed Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) and lets you easily create and manage keys for these identities. It also lets you sign standards compliant JSON Web Tokens (JWT) that can be consumed using the did-jwt library.

A DID is an Identifier that allows you to lookup a DID document that can be used to authenticate you and messages created by you.

Ethr DID provides a scalable identity method for Ethereum addresses that gives any Ethereum address the ability to collect on-chain and off-chain data. Because Ethr DID allows any Ethereum keypair to become an identity, it is more scalable and privacy-preserving than smart contract-based identity methods, like our previous Proxy Contract.

This particular DID method relies on the ethr-did-registry. The Ethr-DID-Registry is a smart contract that facilitates public key resolution for off-chain (and on-chain) authentication. It also facilitates key rotation, delegate assignment and revocation to allow 3rd party signers on a Key's behalf, as well as setting and revoking off-chain attribute data. These interactions and events are used in aggregate to form a DID's DID document using the ethr-did-resolver.

An example of a DID document resolved using the ethr-did-resolver:

  '@context': 'https://w3id.org/did/v1',
  id: 'did:ethr:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987f16f9e5d936e8a',
  publicKey: [{
       id: 'did:ethr:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987f16f9e5d936e8a#owner',
       type: 'Secp256k1VerificationKey2018',
       owner: 'did:ethr:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987f16f9e5d936e8a',
       ethereumAddress: '0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987f16f9e5d936e8a'}],
  authentication: [{
       type: 'Secp256k1SignatureAuthentication2018',
       publicKey: 'did:ethr:0xb9c5714089478a327f09197987f16f9e5d936e8a#owner'}]

On-chain refers to something that is resolved with a transaction on a blockchain, while off-chain can be anything from temporary payment channels, to IPFS.

It supports the proposed Decentralized Identifiers spec from the W3C Credentials Community Group.

DID method

A "DID method" is a specific implementation of a DID scheme that is identified by a method name. In this case, the method name is ethr, and the method identifier is an ethereum address.

To encode a DID for an Ethereum address, simply prepend did:ethr:




import EthrDID from 'ethr-did'

// Assume web3 object is configured either manually or injected using metamask

const ethrDid = new EthrDID({address: '0x...', privateKey: '...', provider})
key description required
address Ethereum address representing Identity yes
registry registry address (defaults to 0xc1b66dea11f8f321b7981e1666fdaf3637fe0f61) no
provider web3 provider no
web3 preconfigured web3 object no
rpcUrl JSON-RPC endpoint url no
signer Signing function either signer or privateKey
privateKey Hex encoded private key yes*

Getting Started

Construct a New Identity

Create ethr DID

Creating an ethr DID is analogous to creating an ethereum account, which is an address on the ethereum blockchain controlled by a key pair. Your ethr DID will be your key pair.

We provide a convenience method to easily create one EthrDID.createKeyPair() which returns an object containing an ethereum address and privatekey.

const keypair = EthrDID.createKeyPair()
// Save keypair somewhere safe

const ethrDid = new EthrDID({...keypair, provider})

Use Existing Web3 Provider

If you use a built in web3 provider like metamask you can use one of your metamask addresses as your identity.

const ethrDid = new EthrDID({provider: web3.currentProvider, address: web3.eth.defaultAccount})

Unfortunately web3 providers are not directly able to sign data in a way that is compliant with the JWT ES256K standard. This is a requirement for exchanging verifiable off-chain data, so you will need to add a key pair as a signing delegate to be able to sign JWT's.

You can quickly add one like this:

await ethrDid.createSigningDelegate() // Adds a signing delegate valid for 1 day

See section on adding delegates below.

Note when using HttpProvider from web3.js v1.0.0: There is an issue where the sendAsync function is undefined. In order to avoid errors resulting from this, please configure EthrDID using a different HTTP provider such as the one from ethjs:

import HttpProvider from 'ethjs-provider-http'
const provider = new HttpProvider('http://localhost:8545')
const ethrDid = new EthrDID({provider, address, registry})

or manually assign sendAsync before creating an instance of the web3 provider

import Web3 from 'web3'
Web3.providers.HttpProvider.prototype.sendAsync = Web3.providers.HttpProvider.prototype.send
const provider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:8545')
const ethrDid = new EthrDID({provider, address, registry})

Ethereum Web3 Wallet developers

You can easily add support for signing yourself by implementing a signer function with a clean GUI. See DID-JWT Signer Functions.

The signer function can be passed in as the signer option to the EthrDID constructor:

const ethrDid = new EthrDID({provider, address: web3.eth.defaultAccount, signer: wallet.jwtSigner})

Exchange Verifiable Data

Signing a JWT

A JWT is basically a JSON object that is signed so it can be verified as being created by a given DID.

A JWT looks like this:


Use any JSON compatible Javascript Object as a payload to sign.

const helloJWT = await ethrDid.signJWT({hello: 'world'})

// A uPort compatible Verification
const verification = await ethrDid.signJWT({claims: {name: 'Joe Lubin'}})

Verifying a JWT

You can easily verify a JWT using verifyJWT(). When a JWT is verified the signature of the public key is compared to the known issuer of the DID. If the signature matches the time it was issued and expiration times are checked for validity too.

An unverified JWT will resemble:

{ header: { typ: 'JWT', alg: 'ES256K' },
   { iat: 1525927517,
     aud: 'did:uport:2osnfJ4Wy7LBAm2nPBXire1WfQn75RrV6Ts',
     exp: 1557463421,
     name: 'uPort Developer',
     iss: 'did:uport:2osnfJ4Wy7LBAm2nPBXire1WfQn75RrV6Ts' },
  signature: 'R7owbvNZoL4ti5ec-Kpktb0datw9Y-FshHsF5R7cXuKaiGlQz1dcOOXbXTOb-wg7-30CDfchFERR6Yc8F61ymw',
  data: 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NksifQ.eyJpYXQiOjE1MjU5Mjc1MTcsImF1ZCI6ImRpZDp1cG9ydDoyb3NuZko0V3k3TEJBbTJuUEJYaXJlMVdmUW43NVJyVjZUcyIsImV4cCI6MTU1NzQ2MzQyMSwibmFtZSI6InVQb3J0IERldmVsb3BlciIsImlzcyI6ImRpZDp1cG9ydDoyb3NuZko0V3k3TEJBbTJuUEJYaXJlMVdmUW43NVJyVjZUcyJ9' }

The verifyJWT function will take the above encoded JWT and validate it:

const jwt = 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NksifQ.eyJpYXQiOjE1MzE4Mjk5NzUsImF1ZCI6ImRpZDpldGhyOltvYmplY3QgT2JqZWN0XSIsImV4cCI6MTk1NzQ2MzQyMSwibmFtZSI6InVQb3J0IERldmVsb3BlciIsImlzcyI6ImRpZDpldGhyOltvYmplY3QgT2JqZWN0XSJ9.Mralpbz1Lo7DRsrWX7EYvtKDr8NAJWnf0Mgt4y8Eyu-WDNEHmZFwsTw_vG09zYGCM38RHEPeRTftRIYL__WMPg'

const {payload, issuer} = ethrDid.verifyJWT(jwt)
// payload contains the javascript object that was signed together with a few JWT specific attributes

// Issuer contains the DID of the signing identity

It's verified output looks like:

{ payload:
   { iat: 1525927517,
     aud: 'did:uport:2osnfJ4Wy7LBAm2nPBXire1WfQn75RrV6Ts',
     exp: 1557463421,
     name: 'uPort Developer',
     iss: 'did:uport:2osnfJ4Wy7LBAm2nPBXire1WfQn75RrV6Ts' },
   { '@context': 'https://w3id.org/did/v1',
     id: 'did:uport:2osnfJ4Wy7LBAm2nPBXire1WfQn75RrV6Ts',
     publicKey: [ [Object] ],
      { '@context': 'http://schema.org',
        '@type': 'App',
        name: 'Uport Developer Splash Demo',
        description: 'This app demonstrates basic login functionality',
        url: 'https://developer.uport.me' } },
  issuer: 'did:uport:2osnfJ4Wy7LBAm2nPBXire1WfQn75RrV6Ts',
   { id: 'did:uport:2osnfJ4Wy7LBAm2nPBXire1WfQn75RrV6Ts#keys-1',
     type: 'EcdsaPublicKeySecp256k1',
     owner: 'did:uport:2osnfJ4Wy7LBAm2nPBXire1WfQn75RrV6Ts',
     publicKeyHex: 04c74d8a9154bbf48ce4b259b703c420e10aba42d03fa592ccf9dea60c83cd9ca81d3e08b859d4dc5a6dee30da2600e50ace688201b6f5a1e0938d135ec4b442ad' },
  jwt: 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NksifQ.eyJpYXQiOjE1MjU5Mjc1MTcsImF1ZCI6ImRpZDp1cG9ydDoyb3NuZko0V3k3TEJBbTJuUEJYaXJlMVdmUW43NVJyVjZUcyIsImV4cCI6MTU1NzQ2MzQyMSwibmFtZSI6InVQb3J0IERldmVsb3BlciIsImlzcyI6ImRpZDp1cG9ydDoyb3NuZko0V3k3TEJBbTJuUEJYaXJlMVdmUW43NVJyVjZUcyJ9.R7owbvNZoL4ti5ec-Kpktb0datw9Y-FshHsF5R7cXuKaiGlQz1dcOOXbXTOb-wg7-30CDfchFERR6Yc8F61ymw' }

A consuming app can use did-jwt for verifying JWTs.

import { verifyJWT } from 'did-jwt'

// did-jwt is agnostic about did methods so you need to register the 'ethr-did-resolver' first

const {payload, issuer} = await verifyJWT(helloJWT)

Manage Keys

The ethr DID supports general key management that can be used to change ownership of keys, delegate signing rights temporarily to another account and publish information about the identity in it's DID document.

Currently the following public key types are supported:

  • Secp256k1SignatureVerificationKey2018
    • with publicKeyHex encoding and ES256K, ES256K-R algorithm's.
  • Secp256k1VerificationKey2018 is also supported1
    • with publicKeyHex encoding and ES256K, ES256K-R algorithm's.
    • or with ethereumAddress encoding but only with the ES256K-R algorithm.

Private keys (signing keys), also used for account recovery, are hex encoded using secp256k1.

The Concept of Identity Ownership

By default an identity address is owned by itself. An identity owner is the address able to make and publish changes to the identity. As this is a very important function, you could change the ownership to use a smart contract based address implementing recovery or multi-sig at some point in the future.

Smart Contract's are not able to actually sign, so we would also need to add a Key Pair based address as a signing delegate.

Most web3 providers also do not let the user sign data that is compatible with JWT standards, which means that you would have to add a separate delegate key that you can use to sign JWTs on you behalf.

All the following functions assume that the passed in web3 provider can sign ethereum transactions on behalf of the identity owner.

Changing an Owner

You can change the owner of an ethr DID. This is useful in particular if you are changing identity provider and want to continue to use the same identity.

This creates an Ethereum Transaction, which will also broadcast a DIDOwnerChanged event. Make sure that the current account owner has sufficient gas to be able to update it.

await ethrDid.changeOwner(web3.eth.accounts[2])

Adding a Delegate Signer

You can temporarily add a delegate signer to your DID. This is an address that can sign JWT's on your behalf. By adding an expiresIn value it will automatically expire after a certain time. It will by default expire after 1 day.

You can add different delegate types. The two types currently supported by did-jwt are:

  • veriKey Which adds a Secp256k1VerificationKey2018 (Default for signing general purpose JWTs)
  • sigAuth Which adds a Secp256k1SignatureAuthentication2018 signer who is able to interactively authenticate as the DID's owner (log in)

This is useful if you want to give a dapp permission to sign on your behalf.

This creates an Ethereum Transaction so your current owner account needs sufficient gas to be able to update it.

await ethrDid.addDelegate(web3.eth.accounts[3])

// Override defaults
await ethrDid.addDelegate(web3.eth.accounts[3], {expiresIn: 360, delegateType: 'sigAuth'})

There also exists a convenience function that creates a new delegate keypair, configures a signer with it and finally calls the above addDelegate() function.

const keypair = await ethrDid.createSigningDelegate('sigAuth', 360)

The keypair object contains an address and privateKey attribute. Unless the key is just added temporarily, store it somewhere safe.

Set public attributes

You can set various public attributes to your DID using setAttribute(key, value, expiresIn). These cannot be queried within smart contracts, but they let you publish information to your DID document such as public encryption keys, etc.

The following attribute key formats are currently support:

  • did/pub/(Secp256k1|Rsa|Ed25519)/(veriKey|sigAuth)/(hex|base64) for adding a public key
  • did/svc/[ServiceName] for adding a service

By adding an expiresIn value it will automatically expire after a certain time. It will by default expire after 1 day.

await ethrDid.setAttribute('did/pub/Ed25519/veriKey/base64', 'Arl8MN52fwhM4wgBaO4pMFO6M7I11xFqMmPSnxRQk2tx', 31104000)
await ethrDid.setAttribute('did/pub/Ed25519/veriKey/base64', Buffer.from('Arl8MN52fwhM4wgBaO4pMFO6M7I11xFqMmPSnxRQk2tx', 'base64'), 31104000)
await ethrDid.setAttribute('did/svc/HubService', 'https://hubs.uport.me', 10)