
FullStack LangChain application using SpringBoot, LangChain4J and React - integrate with internal data and api and upload internal documents for RAG

Primary LanguageJava


See Building FullStack LangChain4J Application using SpringBoot and React for more details.

Ensure OpenAI API Key is available as env variable:


And Docker desktop is running. To start the application

./mvnw spring-boot:run

We can now query our internal data using RAG:

GET http://localhost:8080/chat?question=Please list the current applications

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Origin
Vary: Access-Control-Request-Method
Vary: Access-Control-Request-Headers
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 1002

Here are the current applications:

| Correlation ID | Email           | First Name | Last Name | Address                       | Claim Type   | Amount | Status           |
| 18666A         | curtis@gmail.com | Brock      | Curtis    | 76 Chalmers Ave, Redfern 2119 | FLOODS       | 2000   | SUBMITTED        |
| 19966A         | curtis@gmail.com | Brock      | Curtis    | 76 Chalmers Ave, Redfern 2119 | BUSH_FIRE    | 550    | SUBMITTED        |
| 21966A         | curtis@gmail.com | Brock      | Curtis    | 76 Chalmers Ave, Redfern 2119 | HAIL_DAMAGE  | 250    | SUBMITTED        |
| 36559B         | blogg@gmail.com  | Joe        | Blogg     | 40 Bridge Road, Sydney, 2000  | BUSH_FIRE    | 300    | APPROVED         |
| 91137D         | duran@gmail.com  | Leandro    | Duran     | 199 George Street, Newtown, 2000 | HAIL_DAMAGE | 300    | PAYMENT_SUBMITTED |

Response code: 200 (OK); Time: 5417ms (5 s 417 ms); Content length: 1002 bytes (1 kB)


A chatbot interacting with the agent above and built using React is available in following repository:
