
The website for the 2013 Reflections | Projections Conference.

This site is written using the Jekyll static site generator.

Stylesheets are generated using SASS and Compass


  • Make sure you have Ruby and rubygems installed on your system ;)
  • Run bundle install to install all gems
  • Run npm install to install all dependencies
  • Run gulp to build assets
  • Run jekyll serve -w

Style Conventions (Please Follow!)

  • Fork this repo and submit any pull requests to master -- DO NOT PUSH TO THIS BRANCH
  • Any changes should be made in a specific feature branch. This will keep things much cleaner
  • Please mention any relevant issues in your pull request
  • All subdomains should be in their own seperate folder (i.e /about is in the about folder)
  • each page should have it's own stylesheet - each stylesheet should be then included into the 'screen.scss' file
  • any component which is intended to be used in multiple places should be put into a layout in the _layouts directory
  • PLEASE maintain good SASS practices and create and extend abstract classes. (http://sass-lang.com/guide)