This project is an effort to create a C++ interpreter for the OPA policy language, Rego. Our goal is to build both a standalone executable and a library such that programmers who are working in C++ can interpret Rego programs natively. To achieve this we are building our interpreter on top of the experimental term rewriter Trieste.
Warning While this project has progressed to the point that we support full Rego language (see Language Support below) we do not support all built-ins and do not yet have a system built to verify compatibility with the reference Go implementation. As such, it should still be considered experimental software and used with discretion.
Start by installing CMake in the way appropriate for your environment.
Note At the moment, you must use
to build the project on Linux.
Create a build directory and initialize the cmake project:
mkdir build
cd build
You can then build and run the tests using:
make install
If you wish to use Ninja, then be sure to pass -G Ninja
as well when configuring the project.
ninja install
Similarly, if you want to use clang you can indicate this by passing -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++
during configuration.
Create a build directory and initialize the cmake project:
mkdir build
cd build
You can then build and run the tests using:
cmake --build . --config Release --target INSTALL
ctest -C Release
The interpreter will be located at build/dist/bin/rego_interpreter
. Here are
some example commands using the provided example files and run from the suggested
install directory:
./bin/rego_interpreter -d examples/scalars.rego -q data.scalars.greeting
./bin/rego_interpreter -d examples/objects.rego -q data.objects.sites[1].name
./bin/rego_interpreter -d examples/data0.json examples/data1.json examples/objects.rego -i examples/input0.json -q "[, input.b, data.objects.sites[1]]"
[{"bar": "Foo", "baz": 5, "be": true, "bop": 23.4}, "20", {"name": "smoke1"}]
./bin/rego_interpreter -q "5 + (2 - 4 * 0.25) * -3 + 7.4"
./bin/rego_interpreter -d examples/bodies.rego -i examples/input1.json -q data.bodies.e
{"one": 15, "two": 15}
At present we support v0.55.0 of the Rego grammar as defined by OPA:
module = package { import } policy
package = "package" ref
import = "import" ref [ "as" var ]
policy = { rule }
rule = [ "default" ] rule-head { rule-body }
rule-head = ( ref | var ) ( rule-head-set | rule-head-obj | rule-head-func | rule-head-comp )
rule-head-comp = [ assign-operator term ] [ "if" ]
rule-head-obj = "[" term "]" [ assign-operator term ] [ "if" ]
rule-head-func = "(" rule-args ")" [ assign-operator term ] [ "if" ]
rule-head-set = "contains" term [ "if" ] | "[" term "]"
rule-args = term { "," term }
rule-body = [ "else" [ assign-operator term ] [ "if" ] ] ( "{" query "}" ) | literal
query = literal { ( ";" | ( [CR] LF ) ) literal }
literal = ( some-decl | expr | "not" expr ) { with-modifier }
with-modifier = "with" term "as" term
some-decl = "some" term { "," term } { "in" expr }
expr = term | expr-call | expr-infix | expr-every | expr-parens | unary-expr
expr-call = var [ "." var ] "(" [ expr { "," expr } ] ")"
expr-infix = expr infix-operator expr
expr-every = "every" var { "," var } "in" ( term | expr-call | expr-infix ) "{" query "}"
expr-parens = "(" expr ")"
unary-expr = "-" expr
membership = term [ "," term ] "in" term
term = ref | var | scalar | array | object | set | membership | array-compr | object-compr | set-compr
array-compr = "[" term "|" query "]"
set-compr = "{" term "|" query "}"
object-compr = "{" object-item "|" query "}"
infix-operator = assign-operator | bool-operator | arith-operator | bin-operator
bool-operator = "==" | "!=" | "<" | ">" | ">=" | "<="
arith-operator = "+" | "-" | "*" | "/"
bin-operator = "&" | "|"
assign-operator = ":=" | "="
ref = ( var | array | object | set | array-compr | object-compr | set-compr | expr-call ) { ref-arg }
ref-arg = ref-arg-dot | ref-arg-brack
ref-arg-brack = "[" ( scalar | var | array | object | set | "_" ) "]"
ref-arg-dot = "." var
var = ( ALPHA | "_" ) { ALPHA | DIGIT | "_" }
scalar = string | NUMBER | TRUE | FALSE | NULL
string = STRING | raw-string
raw-string = "`" { CHAR-"`" } "`"
array = "[" term { "," term } "]"
object = "{" object-item { "," object-item } "}"
object-item = ( scalar | ref | var ) ":" term
set = empty-set | non-empty-set
non-empty-set = "{" term { "," term } "}"
empty-set = "set(" ")"
[] optional (zero or one instances)
{} repetition (zero or more instances)
| alternation (one of the instances)
() grouping (order of expansion)
CHAR Unicode character
ALPHA ASCII characters A-Z and a-z
DIGIT ASCII characters 0-9
CR Carriage Return
LF Line Feed
At the moment only support a few builtins, but are actively working on adding all the standard builtins. The following builtins are currently supported:
Our goal is to achieve and maintain full compatibility with the reference Go implementation. We are working on a test driver which will run the same tests and validate that we produce the same outputs.
This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit
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This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.
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