
Control mpv from same network via a webpage (using phone/another computer)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


mpv-remote is a client and server program to allow basic control of mpv from a phone/computer on the same network


mpv-remote requires Node.js v8+ to run.

Install the dependencies and start the server.

$ yarn install
$ node app.js {optional_port_number}

If the installation was successful, you'll see a message like:

mpv remote listening on: 192.168.0.xxx:{port number}

Now using a phone browser, visit the local network ip address from the above message, which should let you see the playback controls.

Now start mpv with ipc enabled:

$ mpv --input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpvsocket example.mp4

If everything is configured correctly, the play/pause and 15 second rewind buttons should control the media playback.
