
Gatsby Template that improves on Brian Design's tutorial with SEO, Theme Variables, Media Query Mixins, Sticky color-changing heade

Primary LanguageJavaScriptBSD Zero Clause License0BSD


Link to Learn Website

Tech Stack

  • React
  • Gatsby
  • GraphQL
  • Netlify CMS
  • Netlify Hosted

Feature Overview:

  • Dynamic Site Content via Netlify CMS
  • Dynamic/Searchable blogs
  • Interactive FAQ
  • Contact Form: Floating Labels, Auto Phone Number Formating, Formik Validation
  • Styled-Component Site Theming: color pallette, mixins, media queries
  • Navigation: Sticky Header w/ Color Change on scroll, Active Nav Btns on Scroll/New Page
  • SEO/Social Share Enhancement
  • React Responsive Carousel - for Image & Video Galleries
  • React Fast Marquee - for Testimonials, Partner Logos

Initial Setup

[https://deanmalone.net/post/how-to-fork-your-own-repo-on-github/] Create New Repo w/ Upstream remote as https://github.com/achapman77/gatsby-starter-template-plus.git git remote -v to check remotes (origin=new repo & upstream=https://github.com/achapman77/gatsby-starter-template-plus.git) npm install Content Admin

GraphQL Data

Netlify CMS Setup

Application Customization

  • Create array of Maskable Icons
  • Edit gatsby-config.js
    • --> siteMetadata
    • --> gatsby-plugin-manifest
    • --> gatsby-plugin-google-analytics
  • Remove all .md/.mdx files from content folder
  • Replace logo_main.png / logo_alternative.png with optimized logos
  • Remove images from /assets & /content/uploads

Useful Resources:

Netlify CMS Useful Resources

Getting Started --> TUTORIAL: Build a Responsive Website using React, Gatsby, and GraphQL by Brian Design

SEO & Meta Images from blogs

SEO & Meta Image for site wide

Sticky Navbar w/ Color Change on Scroll

Page Scroll and Page Navigation Combined in Nav Menu https://chaseohlson.com/gatsby-link-anchor-navigation

Styled-Components Theming & Media Queries

Styled-Components ThemeProvider Custom Mixins

Styled-Components ThemeProvider Custom Media Query Function

CSS Clamp for Responsive Design

Clamp Calculator

Gatsby/Formik/Netlify Forms Formik Contact Form + Netlify Complete Guide to Netlify Forms