
Tables sketches become SQL - Draw SQL

Primary LanguageJava


Draw table sketches and we turn them into SQL INSERT Statements like magic. Integration tests with relational databases will never be a pain again.

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What does DrawSQL do?

This sketch

id  | name | age      |
1     Enuar  21
2     Gaby   23
3     Yman   26

Becomes this:

INSERT INTO person(id,name,age) VALUES(1,'Enuar',21);
INSERT INTO person(id,name,age) VALUES(2,'Gaby',23);
INSERT INTO person(id,name,age) VALUES(3,'Yman',26);


Getting SQL from sketch file

      DrawSQL.Builder builder = new DrawSQL.Builder();
      DrawSQL drawSQL = builder.fromSketch(new File("your_sketch_file_path")).build();
      String generatedSql = drawSQL.getSQL(); //This will return the generated SQL.

Inserting from a sketch file directly to a JDBC connection

      drawSQL.apply(jdbcConnection);//This will execute the sql against a JDBC Connection object.


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Maven project





What are the sketching rules?

Align the column name and the values both to left.

The first character of a column name should be aligned with its values


id  | name   | age    | 
 1     Enuar  21
 2     Gaby   23
 3     Yman   26


id  | name | age      |
1     Enuar  21
2     Gaby   23
3     Yman   26

Align the column separator (|) to the right of the largest column value


id  | name |       age |      
 1     Enuar Ben   21
 2     Gaby        23
 3     Yman        26


id  | name      |  age |      
 1     Enuar Ben   21
 2     Gaby        23
 3     Yman        26

Columns with semicolons

  1. Columns with whitespaces will be trimmed automatically

  2. In case you want to skip trimming and insert whitespace explicitly you have to put a semicolon where it ends.

  3. In case you want to have whitespace and semicolon explicitly inserted, you have to put two semicolons.