
Required PostgreSQL Database. Instructions made for version 9.4. For a different version, you might need to customize some steps).

DB Initialization :

  1. Download gym_support.sql in a temp folder (e.g. C:\temp)
  2. Go to C:..\PostgreSQL\9.4\bin
  3. Open command window here (Shift _ RClick)
  4. run: createdb -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -E utf8 gym_support
  5. run: psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d gym_support -f c:\temp\gym_support.sql
  6. OPTIONAL - connect to localhost with pgAdmin and administer gym_support DB

CodeMR Analysis: Project metrics, exported with CodeMR Community (via Eclipse). Download file and open in web browser:

  1. For master branch: CodeMR Analysis\GymSupportRefactored\html\main_report\index.html
  2. For Pro branch: CodeMR Analysis\GymSupportPro\html\main_report\index.html
  3. For FreeDemo branch: CodeMR Analysis\GymSupportFree\html\main_report\index.html

Run Application:

  1. Unzip:
  2. Run GymSupport.jar