
Java Project Tracking Software Application

Primary LanguageJava



Before you run this application you should have a locahost web server and JAVA installed (min 1.4.0).

If you don't know how, read this guide in our wiki.

In the project folder you can see the database file, which must be imported to your local database.

If you don't know how, read this guide in our wiki.

If you didn't set any port or set any other than 8888 when you configured your localhost, then you should change the src/JavaConnector.java file. Find the line #6 where you see this code:

String jdbcUrl = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:8888/sdptsdb?useSSL=false";

If you didn't set any port, change to:

String jdbcUrl = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/sdptsdb?useSSL=false";

If you set any other port, replace 8888 to your port.

On line #6 & #7, change

String user = "root";
String pass = "";

to match your database username & password.

After these steps you should be able to run this application withount any problem.

If you still having issues, do not hesitate to contact any of the contributors or to open a new Issue.


  • Convert passwords to hash for increased security.
  • When user clicks on task, details would show beneath it.
  • After adding a task, database will not not refresh and the object will be returned directly to main window.
  • Explanation text will be be added when exception exists.