
Linux config files

Primary LanguageVim Script


This is a bunch of config files for linux. The biggest part is for vim.

There are config files for:

  • vim
  • bash
  • git
  • mercurial
  • emacs
  • awesome
  • wmfs


For vim you need:

  • vim >= 7.3
  • ctags
  • these two directories: ~/tmp/vim/swap and ~/tmp/vim/backup (you can also disable backup and swap files in .vimrc)
  • emacs >= 24 (ppa:cassou/emacs and http://emacs.naquadah.org)


In a terminal:

git clone git://github.com/achauve/dotfiles.git
cd dotfiles
# clone all the vim plugins as git submodules
git submodule init
git submodule update

chsh -s /bin/zsh

For ropevim to work, you need to install rope (not included here), and you need to install ropevim.py manually:

cd .vim/bundle/ropevim
python setup.py install --home=~/local # for example

For vimclojure, you need to compile the nailgun client:

cd .vim/bundle/vimclojure-nailgun-client

To actually use these files as your config files, the easiest way is to symlink them:

ln -s dotfiles/.vim
ln -s dotfiles/.vimrc

# ... keep doing that for all files you are interested in

Note: to update the plugins to their last revisions published on github:

git submodule foreach git pull origin master


A very nice source of inspiration: https://bitbucket.org/sjl/dotfiles (thanks to Steve Losh)