
🧰 Open Innovation Labs Developer Experience - all the tooling for starting a residency

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

🦄 ubiquitous-journey 🔥

🧰 This repo is an Argo App definition which references other charts. It should not exclusively run Helm Templates but be a more generic Argo App which could reference Kustomize or Operators etc.

🎨 This is the new home for the evolution of what was Labs CI / CD. This project represents a majour milestone in moving away from the 3.x OpenShift clusters to a new GitOps approach to tooling, app management and configuration drift using ArgoCD.

What's in the box? 👨

  • Bootstrap - Create new projects such as labs-ci-cd, labs-dev, labs-test and the rolebinding for groups. See the bootstrap-project chart for more info.
  • ArgoCD - Deploys Andy Block's OpenShift auth enabled Dex Server along with the Operator version of ArgoCD.
  • Jenkins - Create new custom Jenkins instance along with all the CoP build agents. See the Jenkins chart for more info.
  • Nexus - Deploy Nexus along with the OpenShift Plugin. See the Sonatype Nexus Chart for more info.
  • SonarQube - Deploy SonarQube for static code analysis. See the Sonarqube Chart for more info.
  • Hoverfly - Deploy Hoverfly for Service Virtualisation. See the Hoverfly Chart for more info.
  • PactBroker - Deploy PactBroker for Contract Testing. See the Pact Broker Chart for more info.
  • CodeReadyWorkspaces - Deploy Red Hat CodeReadyWorkspaces for an IDE hosted on OpenShift. See the CRW Kustomize for more info.
  • Zalenium - Deploy Zalenium for Selenium Grid Testing on Kubernetes. See the Zalenium Chart for more info.

What it's not...🤷🏻‍♀️

A collection of different ways to do the same things ie we have taken one tool for one task approach. For example - Nexus is being used for artifact management. Some teams may use Artifactory, and it should be easily swapped out but we are not demonstrating more than one way to do binary management in this suite of tools.

How do I run it?


  1. OpenShift 4.3 or greater (cluster admin user required) - https://try.openshift.com
  2. Install helm v3 or greater - https://helm.sh/docs/intro/quickstart
  3. Install Argo CD (cli) 1.4.2+ or greater - https://argoproj.github.io/argo-cd/getting_started/#2-download-argo-cd-cli

For the impatient 🤠

Tooling deployed to labs-ci-cd project

helm template --dependency-update -f bootstrap/values-bootstrap.yaml bootstrap | oc apply -f-
helm template -f argo-app-of-apps.yaml ubiquitous-journey/ | oc apply -f-

Bootstrap 🍻

Create your Labs's CI/CD, Dev and Test namespaces. Fill them with service accounts and normal role bindings as defined in the bootstrap project helm chart. Over ride them by updating any of the values in bootstrap/values-bootstrap.yaml before running helm template

  1. Bring down the chart dependencies:
helm dep up bootstrap
  1. Install your chart and argo. NOTE - this currently will deploy ARGO into whatever namespace you're currently in. TODO - fix this. Work around, run oc new-project labs-ci-cd then execute this:
helm template labs -f bootstrap/values-bootstrap.yaml bootstrap | oc apply -f-

If you want to override namespaces see Deploy to a custom namespace


Our standard approach is to deploy all the tooling to the labs-ci-cd namespace. There are two ways you can deploy this project - as an Argo App of Apps or a helm3 template.

To login with argocd from CLI using sso

argocd login $(oc get route argocd-server --template='{{ .spec.host }}' -n labs-ci-cd):443 --sso --insecure

else if no sso:

argocd login --grpc-web $(oc get routes argocd-server -o jsonpath='{.spec.host}' -n labs-ci-cd)) --insecure
Deploy using argo app of apps ...

See: ArgoCD App of Apps approach

argocd app create ubiquitous-journey \
    --dest-namespace labs-ci-cd \
    --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc \
    --repo https://github.com/rht-labs/ubiquitous-journey.git \
    --path "ubiquitous-journey" --values "values-tooling.yaml"
argocd app sync ubiquitous-journey
Deploy using helm ...
helm template labs -f argo-app-of-apps.yaml ubiquitous-journey/ | oc apply -f-

Deploy to a custom namespace

Because this is GitOps to make changes to the namespaces etc they should really be committed to git.... For example, if you wanted to create a my-ci-cd for all the tooling to be deployed to, the steps are simple. Fork this repo and make the following changes there:

  1. Run setPrefix.sh $PREFIX where prefix is the string to insert before the project names eg my. This will update the folling entries:
  • bootstrap/values-bootstrap.yaml: the prefix: my and argocd namespace namespace: "my-ci-cd".
  • ubiquitous-journey/values-tooling.yaml: the destination: &ci_cd_ns my-ci-cd
  • example-deployment/values-applications.yaml: the destination: &ci_cd_ns my-dev
  1. Git commit this change to your fork and run the following Helm Command:
helm template --dependency-update -f bootstrap/values-bootstrap.yaml bootstrap   | oc apply -f-

FYI if you're feeling lazy, you can override the values on the commandline directly but rememeber - this is GitOps 🐙!:

helm template --dependency-update --set bootstrap-project.prefix=my,argocd.namespace=my-ci-cd -f bootstrap/values-bootstrap.yaml bootstrap   | oc apply -f-
  1. Login to ArgoCD as desribed in Tooling section.
  2. Run argo create app replacing MY_FORK as appropriate
argocd app create ubiquitous-journey \
    --dest-namespace my-ci-cd \
    --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc \
    --repo https://github.com/MY_FORK/ubiquitous-journey.git \
    --path "ubiquitous-journey" --values "values-tooling.yaml"
argocd app sync ubiquitous-journey

Or if you're using just helm3 cli

helm template labs -f argo-app-of-apps.yaml --set applications[0].destination=myproject ubiquitous-journey/ | oc apply -n myproject -f-

Example Application Deploy 🌮

Deploy the example app pet-battle using GitOps! Update the app_tag in example-deployment/values-applications.yaml and commit the changes to see GitOps in action!

Create using helm:

helm template catz -f example-deployment/values-applications.yaml example-deployment/ | oc apply -n labs-ci-cd -f-

or using argocd:

argocd app create catz \
    --dest-namespace labs-ci-cd \
    --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc \
    --repo https://github.com/rht-labs/ubiquitous-journey.git \
    --path "example-deployment" --values "values-applications.yaml"
argocd app sync catz

Cleaning up ArgoCD Apps

Sometime ArgoCD Application CRs can get stuck after they've been deleted and cause funky issues. This is particularly annoying while testing with multiple ArgoCD instances. To force delete the application CRs run the force-delete-application-cr.sh script pointing to the namespace your Application CRs are stored. This will remove the Finalizers.

oc login ...
./force-delete-application-cr.sh labs-ci-cd

How can I bring my own tooling?

TODO - add some instructions for adding:

  1. new helm charts
  2. new Operators etc
