
LINQPad 7/6/5 data context dynamic driver for querying CSV files.

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CsvLINQPadDriver for LINQPad 7/6/5

Table of Contents


CsvLINQPadDriver is LINQPad 7/6/5 data context dynamic driver for querying CSV files.

  • You can query data in CSV files with LINQ, just like it would be regular database. No need to write custom data model, mappings, etc.
  • Driver automatically generates new data types for every CSV file with corresponding properties and mappings for all columns.
  • Based on column and file names, possible relations between CSV tables are detected and generated.
  • Single class generation allows to join similar files and query over them. Might not work well for files with relations.



Latest CsvLINQPadDriver.*.lpx6/CsvLINQPadDriver.*.lpx for LINQPad 7/6/5 manual installation.


Let's have 2 CSV files:


1,Author 1
2,Author 2
3,Author 3


11,Author 1 Book 1,1
12,Author 1 Book 2,1
21,Author 2 Book 1,2

CsvLINQPadDriver will generate data context similar to (simplified):

public class CsvDataContext
    public CsvTableBase<RAuthor> Authors { get; private set; }
    public CsvTableBase<RBook> Books { get; private set; }

// record/class for LINQPad 7/6, class for LINQPad 5.
public sealed record RAuthor
    public string? Id { get; set; }
    public string? Name { get; set; }

    public IEnumerable<RBook>? Books { get; set; }

public sealed record RBook
    public string? Id { get; set; }
    public string? Title { get; set; }
    public string? AuthorId { get; set; }

    public IEnumerable<RAuthor>? Authors { get; set; }

And you can query data with LINQ like:

from book in Books
join author in Authors on book.AuthorId equals author.Id
select new { author.Name, book.Title }



LINQPad 7/6



  • Open LINQPad 7/6.
  • Click Add connection link.
  • Click button View more drivers...
  • Click radio button Show all drivers and type CsvLINQPadDriver
  • Install.


Get latest CsvLINQPadDriver.*.lpx6 file.

  • Open LINQPad 7/6.
  • Click Add connection link.
  • Click button View more drivers...
  • Click button Install driver from .LPX6 file... and select downloaded lpx6 file.


Get latest CsvLINQPadDriver.*.lpx file.

  • Open LINQPad 5.
  • Click Add connection link.
  • Click button View more drivers...
  • Click button Browse... and select downloaded lpx file.


CSV files connection can be added to LINQPad 7/6/5 the same way as any other connection.

  • Click Add connection
  • Select CSV Context Driver and click Next
  • Enter CSV file names or Drag&Drop (Ctrl adds files) from Explorer. Optionally configure other options.
  • Query your data.

Configuration Options

CSV Files

  • CSV files: list of CSV files and folders. Can be added via files/folder dialogs, context menu, hotkeys, by typing one file/folder per line or by Drag&drop (Ctrl adds files, Alt toggles * and ** masks). Wildcards ? and * are supported; **.csv searches in folder and its sub-folders.
    • c:\Books\Books?.csv: Books.csv, Books1.csv, etc. files in folder c:\Books
    • c:\Books\*.csv: all *.csv files in folder c:\Books
    • c:\Books\**.csv: all *.csv files in folder c:\Books and its sub-folders.
  • Order files by: files sort order. Affects similar files order.
  • Fallback encoding: encoding to use if file encoding could not be detected. UTF-8 is default.
  • Auto-detect file encodings: try to detect file encodings.
  • Validate file paths: check if file paths are valid.
  • Ignore files with invalid format: files with content which does not resemble CSV will be ignored.
  • Do not lock files being read: allow other processes to modify files being read. Note that driver does not track files changes.


  • Separator: characters used to separate columns in files. Can be ,, \t, etc. Auto-detected if empty.
  • Use CsvHelper library separator auto-detection: use CsvHelper library separator auto-detection instead of internal one.
  • Ignore bad data: ignore malformed files.
  • Ignore blank lines: do not process blank lines.
  • Trim spaces: allow trimming spaces around fields and/or inside quotes around fields.
  • Allow comments: allow single-line comments - lines starting with # (default) will be ignored.
  • Header detection: detect or add header with specific column fallback name format if header could not be detected.
    • Header detection approach: specify whether header is present or not, or how to detect it by symbols it consists of.
    • Header column fallback name format: define generated columns names if there is no header.


  • Cache data in memory:
    • if checked: parsed rows from file are cached in memory. This cache survives multiple query runs, even when query is changed. Cache is cleared as soon as LINQPad clears query data.
    • if unchecked: disable cache. Multiple enumerations of file content results in multiple reads and parsing of file. Can be significantly slower for complex queries. Significantly reduces memory usage. Useful when reading very large files.
  • Intern strings: intern strings. Significantly reduce memory consumption when CSV contains repeatable values.
    • Use generation string comparison: compare interned strings using generation string comparison.


  • Use record type: generate records instead of classes (LINQPad 7/6 only).
  • Generate single type for similar files: single type will be generated for similar files which allows to join similar files and query over them. Relations support is limited.
    • Also show similar files non-grouped: show similar files non-grouped in addition to similar files groups.
  • String comparison: string comparison for Equals and GetHashCode methods.


  • Detect relations: driver will try to detect and generate relations between files.
    • Hide relations from Dump(): LINQPad will not show relations content when Dump()ed. This prevents loading too many data.


  • Debug info: show additional driver debug info, e.g. generated data context source, and enable logging.
  • Remember this connection: connection will be available on next run.
  • Contains production data: files contain production data.

Relations Detection

There is no definition of relations between CSV files, but we can guess some relations from files and columns names. Relations between fileName.columnName are detected in cases similar to following examples:

Books.AuthorId  <-> Authors.Id
Books.AuthorsId <-> Authors.Id
Books.AuthorId  <-> Authors.AuthorId
Books.Id        <-> Authors.BookId


When executing LINQ query for CSV connection:

  • Only files used in query are loaded from disk.
  • As soon as any record from file is accessed, whole file is loaded into memory.
  • Relations are lazily evaluated and retrieved using cached lookup tables.

Don't expect performance comparable with SQL server. But for reasonably sized CSV files there should not be any problem.

Data Types

Everything is string. Because there is no data type info in CSV files, this is best we can do.

Generated Data Object

Generated data object is sealed mutable class or record (LINQPad 7/6 only). You can create record's shallow copy using with expression.


string? ToString();

bool Equals(T? obj);
bool Equals(object? obj);

static bool operator == (T? obj1, T? obj2);
static bool operator != (T? obj1, T? obj2);

int GetHashCode();

string? this[int index] { get; set; }
string? this[string index] { get; set; }


string? ToString();

Formats object the way PowerShell Format-List does.

Relations are not participated.


int GetHashCode();

Returns object hash code.

Note that:

  • Generated data object is mutable.
  • Hash code is not cached and recalculated each time method is called.
  • Each time driver is reloaded string hash codes will be different.

Depends on string comparison driver setting. Relations are not participated.


bool Equals(T? obj);
bool Equals(object? obj);

Depends on string comparison driver setting. Relations are not participated.

Overloaded Operators

static bool operator == (T? obj1, T? obj2);
static bool operator != (T? obj1, T? obj2);

Depends on string comparison driver setting. Relations are not participated.


string? this[int index] { get; set; }
string? this[string index] { get; set; }

See properties access below.

Relations are not participated.

Properties Access

  • Generated data objects are mutable, however saving changes is not supported.
  • Generated data object properties can be accessed either by case-sensitive name or via indexer.
  • Index can be integer (zero-based property index) or string (case-sensitive property name). If there is no index IndexOutOfRangeException will be thrown.
  • Relations can not be accessed via indexers.
var author = Authors.First();

// Property (preferable).
var name = author.Name;
author.Name = name;

// Integer indexer.
var name = author[0];
author[0] = name;

// String indexer.
var name = author["Name"];
author["Name"] = name;

Property index can be found by hovering over property name at the connection pane or by using code below:

    .Where(p => !p.GetCustomAttributes().Any())
    .Select((p, i) => new { Index = i, p.Name })

Extension Methods

Driver provides extension methods for converting string to T?. CultureInfo.InvariantCulture is used by default.

// Bool.
bool? ToBool(CultureInfo? cultureInfo = null);

// Int.
int? ToInt(CultureInfo? cultureInfo = null);

// Long.
long? ToLong(CultureInfo? cultureInfo = null);

// Float.
float? ToFloat(CultureInfo? cultureInfo = null);

// Double.
double? ToDouble(CultureInfo? cultureInfo = null);

// Decimal.
decimal? ToDecimal(CultureInfo? cultureInfo = null);

// Guid.
Guid? ToGuid();
Guid? ToGuid(string format);
Guid? ToGuid(string[] formats);

// DateTime.
DateTime? ToDateTime(
    DateTimeStyles dateTimeStyles = DateTimeStyles.None,
    CultureInfo? cultureInfo = null);

DateTime? ToDateTime(
    string format,
    DateTimeStyles dateTimeStyles = DateTimeStyles.None,
    CultureInfo? cultureInfo = null);

DateTime? ToDateTime(
    string[] formats,
    DateTimeStyles dateTimeStyles = DateTimeStyles.None,
    CultureInfo? cultureInfo = null);

// TimeSpan.
TimeSpan? ToTimeSpan(CultureInfo? cultureInfo = null);

TimeSpan? ToTimeSpan(
    string format,
    TimeSpanStyles timeSpanStyles = TimeSpanStyles.None,
    CultureInfo? cultureInfo = null);

TimeSpan? ToTimeSpan(
    string[] formats,
    TimeSpanStyles timeSpanStyles = TimeSpanStyles.None,
    CultureInfo? cultureInfo = null);

Known Issues

  • Default encoding for files without BOM is UTF-8.
  • Some strange Unicode characters in column names may cause errors in generated data context source code.
  • Writing changed objects back to CSV is not directly supported, there is no SubmitChanges(). But you can use LINQPad's Util.WriteCsv
  • Relations detection does not work well for similar files single class generation. However, you can query over related multiple files.
  • Relations detection with file sorting might produce broken source code for similar files single class generation.


  • In case of Cannot load type 'LINQPad.User.***' from cache error use connection context menu Close all connections.






MIT, see LICENSE file for details.