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A project under GRIP for Sparks Foundation

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To see the world as a family under the concept of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’.


India is a land poetically described as ‘Sujalam Sufalam’ which depicts a land bountifully endowed with natural beauty and richness of resources. We as an Indian have been professing the idea of ‘Vasudhaiva kutumbakam’ (The concept of global family hood) since time immemorial. Today, as the whole world recognizes it as a guiding philosophy for international brotherhood & peace across the continents, we see a need to instil this eternal philosophy in the minds of every Indian. We at My Home India are committed to facilitate a brighter India sans the psychological barriers of caste, creed, community, province and other forces of division.

This Website is built for the Sparks Foundation GRIP internship programme.