
golang grpc server side streaming example

Primary LanguageGo

Golang grpc server streaming example

Simple grpc server streaming capability with Golang, this code will have server and client each:

  • Server: Will have a function that will stream 5 responses with slight delay each.
  • Client: Will send a request to server and wait on all the responses.

Running it

Run with makefile

make all

This will create the pb file for grpc and also the client and server binary.


Build Docker Image using docker compose

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build

Run up all docker containers using docker compose

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up

This will be shown in client

2020/11/10 22:26:11 Resp received: Request #0 For Id:1
2020/11/10 22:26:12 Resp received: Request #1 For Id:1
2020/11/10 22:26:13 Resp received: Request #2 For Id:1
2020/11/10 22:26:14 Resp received: Request #3 For Id:1
2020/11/10 22:26:15 Resp received: Request #4 For Id:1
2020/11/10 22:26:15 finished

This will be shown in server

2020/11/10 22:26:09 start server
2020/11/10 22:26:11 fetch response for id : 1
2020/11/10 22:26:11 finishing request number : 0
2020/11/10 22:26:12 finishing request number : 1
2020/11/10 22:26:13 finishing request number : 2
2020/11/10 22:26:14 finishing request number : 3
2020/11/10 22:26:15 finishing request number : 4