
Useful functions & utilities for Stuyvesant High School.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Useful functions & utilities for Stuyvesant High School.

To download this module, run pip install stuy-utils in the terminal.

To test the module or see example code, navigate to the tests directory, then running the files there.


Convert a date object to an ISO-formatted date string.

Convert a date or datetime object from the datetime library to a string formatted using the ISO 8601 format, while also checking if 'date' is a valid date and if it exists in the data.


  • day (Union[datetime.date, datetime.datetime]): A date or datetime object from the datetime library.


  • errors.InvalidDate: Thrown if the input is not a date or a datetime object.
  • errors.DayNotInData: Thrown if the inputted day is not in term_days.csv.


  • str: A date using the ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd).


Returns information about a given day.

Returns the cycle, period, testing subjects, and any events of a given day. If a category does not apply, an empty string will be returned.


  • day (Union[datetime.date, datetime.datetime]): A date or datetime object from the datetime library.


  • errors.InvalidDate: Thrown if the input is not a date or a datetime object.
  • errors.DayNotInData: Thrown if the inputted day is not in term_days.csv.


  • Info: A namedtule with fields 'cycle', 'period', 'testing', and 'event'.

schedule.get_next_school_day(day, always_same)

Returns when the next school day is.

Returns a date object of the next school day from the given day. The given datetime will be returned as a date if school is still in session.


  • day (Union[datetime.date, datetime.datetime]): A date or datetime object from the datetime library.
  • always_same (bool, optional): Whether or not to always return the given day if the given day is a school day. Defaults to False.


  • errors.InvalidDate: Thrown if the input is not a date or a datetime object.
  • errors.DayNotInData: Thrown if the inputted day is not in term_days.csv.


  • Optional[datetime.date]: A date object with the year, month, and day of the next school day.


Returns the bell periods of the next school day.

Returns a dictionary of bell periods of the next school day. If the given day is a school day, then the bell schedule of that day will be returned, even if it is afterschool.


  • day (Union[datetime.date, datetime.datetime]): A date or datetime object from the datetime library.


  • errors.InvalidDate: Thrown if the input is not a date or a datetime object.
  • errors.DayNotInData: Thrown if the inputted day is not in term_days.csv.


  • Dict[str, Time]: A dictionary of keys of strings of the category name (see data/bell_schedule.csv) and values of Time namedtuple objects with fields 'start' and 'end', which returns a datetime object.


Returns information of the current class.

Returns a tuple of information of the current class, where the first element is a string of the category, such as the class period, and a Time namedtuple object, which includes when said period starts and ends.


  • day (Union[datetime.date, datetime.datetime]): A date or datetime object from the datetime library.


  • errors.InvalidDate: Thrown if the input is not a date or a datetime object.
  • errors.DayNotInData: Thrown if the inputted day is not in term_days.csv.


  • Optional[Tuple[str, Time]]: A tuple of a string of the category name (see data/bell_schedule.csv), and a Time namedtuple object with fields 'start' and 'end', which returns a datetime object.


Returns information of the next class.

Returns a tuple of information of the next class, where the first element is a string of the category, such as the class period, and a Time namedtuple object, which includes when said period starts and ends.


  • day (Union[datetime.date, datetime.datetime]): A date or datetime object from the datetime library.


  • errors.InvalidDate: Thrown if the input is not a date or a datetime object.
  • errors.DayNotInData: Thrown if the inputted day is not in term_days.csv.


  • Optional[Tuple[str, Time]]: A tuple of a string of the category name (see data/bell_schedule.csv), and a Time namedtuple object with fields 'start' and 'end', which returns a datetime object.