
Repo - For Local Setup

npm install

Make sure to install Mongo on your system. Please refer here for documentation to get started if not already installed.

Webpack and webpack cli should both be installed to run build scripts and create a bundled file. If you don't already have them install globally, you may run the following commands:

npm install --save-dev webpack
npm install --save-dev webpack-cli

If you do already have webpack installed, please continue on to seed the database and bundle the app.

npm run db:seed
npm run build
npm start

At this point there should be a database set up locally called somebirds, with a collection called shoes inside. There should be about 100 entries, with the first being a realistic example of meta-data for a shoe. The server should now be running. Open the application in your browser at localhost:3002. What should be available there is an accordion component that contains some of the data listed of the realistic example. Model Name: mens-wool-runners.