
CLI to automatically turn on/off your heater/cooler based on prices and weather to save money. Currently for Spain

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A CLI to automatically turn on/off your heater/cooler based on prices and weather to save money

At this moment, it's only available for Spain. If you want to cover more locations, consider contributing


Domotic devices are cool, but they will be cooler when Matter protocol lands, finally, into the industry.

As a fact, before Matter, only some protocols such as Zigbee had some standardization mercy.

But there are a lot of devices out there connected by Wi-Fi, and they are completely non-standard. Manufacturers decided to design them without thinking about potential integration between different stuff.

Nowadays, this situation improved a lot with HASS scripts, but still not everyone wants to maintain a HASS instance just to turn on the heater (or the cooler) and anything else.

Moreover, the prices are always changing, so automating this with fixed hours will not keep your electricity bill low. In addition, doing complex automation scripts is simply forcing you to have advanced systems like Home Assistant, which is really, really wonderful, but sometimes complex

This CLI comes to solve those issues. But how?

  • Simple CLI (or Docker image) with closed configuration that automates the whole process
  • Takes into account daily prices for electricity, and weather in your zone to find the cheapest hours for heating or cooling
  • Turn on/off your device on the cheapest moments on its own (standalone), or trigger an event to external systems using little standard integrations (webhooks, MQTT, etc)

MQTT will be included in following releases. Keep in touch to know more. Do you want another integration? let's discuss it: open an issue

and doing automation scripts is simply forcing you to have advanced systems like Home Assistant, which is wonderful


As every configuration parameter can be defined in the config file, there are only few flags that can be defined. They are described in the following table:

Name Description Default Example
--config Define the path to the config file autoheater.yaml --config ./autoheater.yaml
--log-level Define the verbosity of the logs info --log-level info

Environment variables

Some parameters can be defined not only by fixing them into the configuration file, but setting them as environment variables. This is mostly used by credentials as a safer way to work with containers:

Environment variables take precedence over configuration

Name Description Default
TAPO_SMARTPLUG_USERNAME Define the username for authentication on Tapo SmartPlug integration empty
TAPO_SMARTPLUG_PASSWORD Define the password for authentication on Tapo SmartPlug integration empty
WEBHOOK_USERNAME Define the username for basic auth on webhooks integration empty
WEBHOOK_PASSWORD Define the password for basic auth on webhooks integration empty


Here you have a complete example. More up-to-date one will always be maintained in config/samples directory here

apiVersion: v1alpha1
kind: Autoheater
  name: laundry-room-heater

    # Main scheduler calculates the schedules for the day just at 00:00h. But when the application is started
    # on a different moment, commonly in the middle of the day, may be, the best N hours were already passed.
    # This option is allowing to select the next cheapest N hours in the first startup even if they are
    # more expensive than the real cheapest ones
    ignorePassedHours: true

  # Take into account the weather as first filter. The idea is not to switch the heater on really hot days
    enabled: true

      latitude: 28.1562300
      longitude: -16.6359200

      # Type of temperature to take into account. Possible values: apparent or real
      # Attention: apparent is recommended as it is the perceived feels-like temperature combining
      # wind chill factor, relative humidity and solar radiation
      type: apparent

      # Possible values are: fahrenheit or celsius
      unit: celsius

      # Max temperature to switch the heater on. Switching on the heater will be ignored on higher temperatures
      threshold: 30

  # Prices for today's day are coming from Apaga Luz, as these data are already filtered and ease-to-access
  # Ref: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jorgeatgu/apaga-luz/main/public/data/today_price.json
  # Ref: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jorgeatgu/apaga-luz/main/public/data/canary_price.json
    # Spanish pricing zone due to geographical differences. Possible values: mainland or canaryislands
    zone: canaryislands

  # Configuration related to the device

    # The type of the device to act on. This is used together with 'weather.temperature.threshold'.
    # In case 'heater' is selected, temperatures higher than the threshold won't act
    # In case 'cooler' is selected, temperatures lower than the threshold won't act
    # Possible values: cooler, heater
    type: heater

    # Time to keep the device turned on.
    # At this moment, the cheapest N hours are always the chosen ones
    activeHours: 6

    # Several integrations are covered to use this CLI as 'standalone' process, or as a possible adaptor
    # between different domotic systems (sending the events to an HTTP endpoint, mqtt, etc.)
    # ATTENTION: All configured integrations will act at the same time
      # Data for sending the events to TAPO P1XX devices (p100, p110, etc)
        # (Optional) protocol used to communicate with Tapo plugs.
        # TPLink tends to change completely the protocol from time to time.
        # legacy: is used for older firmware versions and supports 'securePassthrough' protocol
        # modern: (default) is used for newer firmware versions and supports 'KLAP' protocol
        client: modern
        address: ""
          username: placeholder@gmail.com
          password: 'xxxPLACEHOLDERxxx'

      # Endpoints to send the request on events
      # POST <url>: { event: 'start', name: 'pepito', timestamp: ''}
        url: "https://webhook.site/a7303a4b-4377-49d7-b109-6106fbe21052"
        # (Optional) username and password for basic auth
          username: 'placeholder'
          password: 'placeholder'

ATTENTION: If you detect some mistake on the config, open an issue to fix it. This way we all will benefit

How to deploy

This project provides binary files and Docker images to make it easy to be deployed wherever wanted


Binary files for most popular platforms will be added to the releases


An entire example is placed inside deploy directory.

⚠️ Disclaimer: Take care of hardening it. Passwords should be read from environment variables.


Docker images can be found in GitHub's packages related to this repository

Do you need it in a different container registry? I think this is not needed, but if I'm wrong, please, let's discuss it in the best place for that: an issue

How to contribute

We are open to external collaborations for this project: improvements, bugfixes, whatever.

For doing it, open an issue to discuss the need of the changes, then:

  • Fork the repository
  • Make your changes to the code
  • Open a PR and wait for review

The code will be reviewed and tested (always)

We are developers and hate bad code. For that reason we ask you the highest quality on each line of code to improve this project on each iteration.


Copyright 2022.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Special mention

This project was done using IDEs from JetBrains. They helped us to develop faster, so we recommend them a lot! 🤓

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