
Async Client-Server messenger

Primary LanguagePython

Async Client-Server chat written in python.

Quick start

pip install aiogbchat --upgrade  # install
python -m aiogbserver  -- nogui  # run server in console mode
python -m aiogbclient            # run client in GUI mode



Known issues:

  • some clients share(?) the DB session, and disconnected simultaneously, if one of them is out.
  • windows: client doesn't work in console mode.
  • windows8 and higher: only works with pyqt5==5.9.2
  • tests


  • How to generate docs:
pip install sphinx
sphinx-apidoc -f ../../chat -o /some_dir/docs/source
make html
  • How to deploy to pypi:
pip install twine
python3 setup.py bdist_wheel # generate wheel
twine upload dist/*
