
A dbt package from SELECT to help you monitor Snowflake performance and costs

Primary LanguagePLpgSQLMIT LicenseMIT


From the SELECT team, a dbt package to help you monitor Snowflake performance and costs. Documentation for the models can be found here.


  1. Grant dbt's role access to the snowflake database:
grant imported privileges on database snowflake to role your_dbt_role_name;
  1. Add the package to your packages.yml file:
  - package: get-select/dbt_snowflake_monitoring
    version: 4.0.2
  1. To attribute costs to individual models via the dbt_metadata column in the query_history_enriched model, query comments and tags are added to all dbt-issued queries. Both query comments and tags are needed to collect the required metadata for the dbt_queries model. First, make sure to remove any existing +query_tag: dbt from your dbt_project.yml, then add the query tags with one of these two options:

Option 1: If running dbt >= 1.2, simply configure the dispatch search order in dbt_project.yml.

  - macro_namespace: dbt
      - dbt_snowflake_monitoring
      - dbt

Option 2: If running dbt < 1.2, create a folder named macros in your dbt project's top level directory (if it doesn't exist). Inside, make a new file called query_tags.sql with the following content:

{% macro set_query_tag() -%}
{% do return(dbt_snowflake_monitoring.set_query_tag()) %}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro unset_query_tag(original_query_tag) -%}
{% do return(dbt_snowflake_monitoring.unset_query_tag(original_query_tag)) %}
{% endmacro %}
  1. To configure the query comments, add the following config to dbt_project.yml.
  comment: '{{ dbt_snowflake_monitoring.get_query_comment(node) }}'
  append: true # Snowflake removes prefixed comments.

That's it! All dbt-issued queries will now be tagged and start appearing in the dbt_queries.sql model.

dbt Cloud URLs

If you're using dbt Cloud, columns dbt_cloud_job_url and dbt_cloud_run_url can be configured in the dbt_queries model. To do so, set the variable dbt_cloud_account_id. This id can be retrieved from in between /deploy/ and /projects/ in any dbt Cloud URL.

By default, the URL prefix of https://cloud.getdbt.com/deploy/ is used. If you're using a different region of dbt Cloud, this prefix can be overridden by specifying the dbt_cloud_url variable.

Package Alternatives & Maintenance

Prior to releasing this package, snowflake-spend by the Gitlab data team was the only package available for monitoring Snowflake spend. According to their README, the package is currently maintained by the Gitlab data team, but there does not appear to be any active development in it (as of January 2023).

The dbt-snowflake-monitoring package is actively developed & maintained by the SELECT team. The package goes beyond modeling warehouse spend - it calculates cost per query using the methodology described here and all billable Snowflake components. Additional query & warehouse performance related models will be added in the coming weeks.

Example Usage

Sample Queries

See sample_queries.md


Initial setup

  1. Install pipx
pip install pipx
pipx ensurepath
  1. Install tox
pipx install tox
  1. Install pre-commit
pipx install pre-commit
pre-commit install
  1. Configure your profile (follow the prompts)
dbt init

Adding a CHANGELOG Entry

We use changie to generate CHANGELOG entries. Note: Do not edit the CHANGELOG.md directly. Your modifications will be lost.

Follow the steps to install changie for your system.

Once changie is installed and your PR is created, simply run changie new and changie will walk you through the process of creating a changelog entry. Commit the file that's created and your changelog entry is complete!


We use SQLFluff to keep SQL style consistent. By installing pre-commit per the initial setup guide above, SQLFluff will run automatically when you make a commit locally. A GitHub action automatically tests pull requests and adds annotations where there are failures.

Lint all models in the /models directory:

tox -e lint_all

Fix all models in the /models directory:

tox -e fix_all

Lint (or subsitute lint to fix) a specific model:

tox -e lint -- models/path/to/model.sql

Lint (or subsitute lint to fix) a specific directory:

tox -e lint -- models/path/to/directory


Enforced rules are defined within tox.ini. To view the full list of available rules and their configuration, see the SQLFluff documentation.