
A simple api gateway demostration using the serverless framwork to build a simple backend in AWS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



A simple api gateway demostration using the serverless framwork to build a simple backend in AWS.

The API can handle new orders and dislay the latest (max 5) orders of the user.

How it works

Simple Orders API

API Documentation

POST: /new-order

Creates a new order if does not exist, if exists it returns a warning that it exists already and does not alter the database.
Each order should have:

  • store_id: String
  • order_id: String
  • user_id: String
  • grand_total : Number

**Sample Request body** :
"store_id" : "store01",
"user_id": "user01",
"grand_total" : 110.00

Expected returns

  • Order is new
    "statusCode": 201,
    "body": {
        "message": "Order order01 submitted successfully"

  • Order already exists (error)
    "statusCode": 400,
    "error": "The conditional request failed"

POST: /user-orders

Returns the last 5 orders of the given user .
Each request should have:

  • user_id : String
  • store_id : String

Sample Request body:

"user_id": "user1",
"store_id": "store1"

Sample Expected returns

  • User has ordered before
    "statusCode": 200,
    "orders": [
            "user_id": "user1",
            "grand_total": 110,
            "order_id": "order8",
            "store_id": "store1",
            "timestamp": "user1#1544092158240"
            "user_id": "user1",
            "grand_total": 110,
            "order_id": "order7",
            "store_id": "store1",
            "timestamp": "user1#1544092152000"
            "user_id": "user1",
            "grand_total": 110,
            "order_id": "order6",
            "store_id": "store1",
            "timestamp": "user1#1544092147627"
            "user_id": "user1",
            "grand_total": 110,
            "order_id": "order5",
            "store_id": "store1",
            "timestamp": "user1#1544092143040"
            "user_id": "user1",
            "grand_total": 110,
            "order_id": "order4",
            "store_id": "store1",
            "timestamp": "user1#1544092138603"
    "body": {
        "message": "Orders retrieved successfully"

  • User does'nt have any orders (error)
    "statusCode": 400,
    "error": "User user1 has no orders yet !"