- 2
Error with make all
#63 opened by fedeb95 - 3
Can't build the project using a local opam switch
#62 opened by Lesenr1 - 2
Unable to unify - compile error
#60 opened by melodicht - 4
Unable to run `make lib`
#58 opened by bhargavkulk - 6
Unable to run 'make' and 'make lib'
#59 opened by L-C-M - 7
Book on amazon Kindle?
#54 opened by brando90 - 1
Feedback on Concurrent Separation Logic
#52 opened by mdempsky - 1
"Further Reading" sections
#49 opened by p0llard - 0
- 3
- 1
No index entry for `model_check` tactic
#45 opened by bkushigian - 3
Typo in Polymorphism.v
#41 opened by bkushigian - 2
More concise definition of absint_sound and absint_complete in AbstractInterpretation.v
#37 opened by mdempsky - 3
Cannot find library Frap in loadpath
#32 opened by mheiber - 2
Incomplete odd/even abstraction rules in § 8 "Abstract Interpretation and Dataflow Analysis"
#28 opened by mdempsky - 0
Notation suggestion for § 4.2 "A Stack Machine"
#27 opened by mdempsky - 1
Failing to compile Sets.v
#24 opened by baz1 - 3
- 2
Minor typo in section 2.5
#17 opened by blakeelias - 1
Typo still exist in Chapter 2's code
#16 opened by LukeXuan - 1
Typo in ch. 13.3?
#15 opened by larsr - 1
Possible typo in the Hoare logic chapter
#14 opened by co-dan - 3
"make clean" deletes book source
#5 opened by corwin-of-amber - 6
Error when making off of fresh pull
#2 opened by vizziv - 2
- 1
What is the focus of the book?
#1 opened by MarisaKirisame - 1
Proof General cannot find Sets
#6 opened by remysucre