
Personal Project - WTA Tennis


WTA (Women Tennis Associaytion) Dashboard

URL Dashoboard project : WTA Tennis

Background Project :

This is my personal project, and I want to make a project based on something that I love, that's tennis in fact I love to play and watch tennis since junior high school


Make a dashboard about women tennis, like statistic grand slam, player, head to head etc.


I use the data from Jeff Sackman (user github), please check and download the foloowing link to see the dataset

Click Here

The files that I used is wta matches 1968- wta matches 2022 (55 files)

Data Preparation:

Joining Files

First, these 55 files need to be joined to collect all the data

Pivoting Coloumn

The column 'winner name' and 'looser name' need to be pivoting

Dashboard result:

Content Dashboard:

Page Tittle:

Dashboard Head to head:

Dashboard Distribution:

Insight and Recomendation:

• The WTA tennis has a long history since established in 1968 (open era) and has produced hundreds of champions.The tournamen grew up year by year. But based on data, the surface that used in tournament is uneven, dominating by hard surface.

• The tennis wta player is dominantly come from USA and russia