
Taste easier qurban process experience for qurban committees and citizens

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Easier Qurban Experience (EQExp)

Table of Contents

  1. Descriptions
  2. Tech Stacks
  3. Prerequisites
  4. Installations
  5. Contribution
  6. License

1. Descriptions

EQExp is abbreviated to Easier Qurban Experience a web application that can help qurban committees and citizens track the qurban process. You can learn more about this web app through the article series here.

This web app initially use as my participation to PlanetScale and Hashnode hackathon

2. Tech Stacks

  • Next.js to provide both frontend and backend of the EQExp App.
  • Prisma to connect backend with MySQL database provided by PlanetScale.
  • Clerk to provide user management of this app.
  • WindiCSS as alternative to TailwindCSS.
  • Workbox to make the EQExp app a Progressive Web App.

3. Prerequisites

a. Softwares

  • Node.JS LTS version 16.x.y
  • Yarn version 3.x.y

b. Environment Variables

  • Installed MySQL locally, at least to fill the SHADOW_DATABASE_URL environment variable. You can also use DATABASE_URL from PlanetScale to connect MySQL remotely.
  • Google Cloud account to get OAuth 2.0 Client ID, to enable users login with google account via Clerk.
  • Clerk account to get values of NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_FRONTEND_API, CLERK_API_KEY, and CLERK_JWT_KEY. Follow more instructions from the Clerk to log in with your Google account properly.
  • Because we use JWT for encryption, you can use generated k value from mkjwk.org to fill NEXT_PUBLIC_JWT_SECRET_KEY environment variable. I use oct with key size 2048, signature key use, and HS256 algorithm.

4. Installations

  1. Execute yarn install to install dependencies defined in the package.json file.
  2. Execute yarn prisma migrate dev to do a database migration.
  3. Execute yarn prisma db seed to do a database seeding.
  4. Execute yarn next to start development with a local server.

5. Contribution

Contribution is welcome. Please read CONTRIBUTING.md file for more information.

6. License


@ 2022 Achmad Kurnianto