1. Install the a code editor such as Visual Studio Code
  2. Install Python 3. This is used to run the http server
  3. Open a terminal in the root of the tutorial package and enter python -m http.server 8080 to spin up a http server (Use CTRL + C to kill the server after use)
  4. For HTML and CSS tutorial, open http://localhost:8080/slides/ on a web browser (preferably, Google Chrome as its debugger overview is provided later) and follow along
  5. For JavaScript and D3.js tutorial, go to http://localhost:8080/slides/D3_tutorial/slides
  6. For JavaScript debugging tutorial, follow along at an excellent tutorial developed by google at https://developers.google.com/web/tools/chrome-devtools/javascript
  7. There are tons of examples in the Example_Files folder and in slides/D3_Tutorial/Example_Files folder. Modify the code and experiment with them after running through the tutorial