User Stories

Bitcoin ACKs v1

  • As a reviewer I want to see which PRs have “momentum” (concept acks from contributors) so that I can prioritize and best use my review time.
  • As a maintainer I want to see which PRs are merge candidates so that I don’t have to wait for authors to ping me or spend time individually analysing PRs.
  • As an author I want to see when my PRs are conflicted or not building on Travis so that I can rebase.

Bitcoin ACKs v2

  • As a reviewer I want to see an inter-diff between force-pushed commits so that I can focus on code I have not already reviewed. GitHub implemented this!
  • As an author I want to receive a notification when my PR becomes conflicted so that I can rebase. DrahtBot solves this!
  • As an author, reviewer, or maintainer I want to see which PRs would become conflicted after a PR is merged so that I can coordinate and prioritize. DrahtBot solves this!

Bitcoin ACKs v3

  • As an author or reviewer I want to have online C++ Jupyter notebooks so that I can explore, reason about, and communicate problems in an interactive manner.


Using docker-compose for development