Personalize Live Streaming with Lambda@Edge & Cognito

This project demos DASH live streaming using AWS Media Services (MediaLive & MediaPackage), delivered by Amazon CloudFront, and personalized using AWS Lambda@Edge and Amazon Cognito.

Use case

Only authenticated users can stream live content, otherwise they will get unauthorized-video. Based on the entitlement of the user, he/she will get higher or lower streaming quality (bitrates).

You can try the deployed solution here:

premium user : pass: CloudFront0!

standard user : pass: CloudFront0!


Instructions for deploying in us-east-1

Run the following commands

npm install

npm run build

sam build 

sam package --output-template-file packaged.yaml --s3-bucket <YOUR BUCKET NAME> --region us-east-1
sam deploy --template-file packaged.yaml --stack-name <YOUR STACK NAME> --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --region us-east-1

Create users

Then, go to the created cognito user pool and add a user gourp called premium, then create two users, with one of them in the premium group.

Future development

  • Sign chunks as well
  • Fetch raw manifest through CloudFront isntead of MediaPackage directly in Lambda@Edge
  • Add CORS headers
  • Display Manifest URL on the main page
  • Use the Autopublish property for Lambda@Edge function in the CloudFormation template
  • Clean code from unused libraries/functionalities (CloudFormation parameters, different streaming formats, HTML...)
  • Enable Autoplay
  • Store website static assets in the repository instead of an S3 bucket


This demo is built based on the following previous projects: